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Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 7 Recap: On The Ropes

Danny and Baex go to the hospital with a perp who got hurt after kidnapping some girl. The paramedics won't let him and Baex come in A friend of Linda's approaches Danny and asks to talk to him. She tells him patients are dying for no reason. There is a code blue interfering with what she's trying to tell him.

Anthony goes to a shoe shop to get his shoes shined. The guy says he has to close his shop because some ugy is suing if he doesn't renovate immediately to be ADA compliant. Anthony doesn't think that's fair. He says he'll do the shoes for free and is closing for good on Monday.

Captain McNichols gets a call from Jamie who wans to know when he is supposed to get his prisoner transport.  He hangs up on her when she tries to teease him about not telling anybody.

Sid is late to his meeting with Frank. He has a broken nose. He says he's in training for a boxing match.  He says his opponent is a loudmouth sergeant who is 40 years old. He says come on it's a time honored tradition. Frank says it's for young cops and not the right look for a rep of this office. Side accuses him of ageism.  Anyway servers went offline for half an hour last night.

Jamie tries to keep his prisoner calm. Someone tries to shoot at them.  Jamie shoots at the guys who decide to run off. The prisoner freaks out. The driver is okay. Jamie radios for help.

Danny wants to check in with Linda's friend. Baez is skeptical.

Desiree thinks it's not a coincidence that Danny turned up and asks him not to tell anyone she gave him files.

McNichols talks to Jamie who says he didn't call her. It was a deepfake.

Anthon¥ complains to Erin about the guy closing. He says Harry is a smiling face in a city full of strangers.  They see an adertrvisement for the ADA lawyer on the side of a bus.

Abigail says Rusoo is here to see Frank.  Frank wants to talk about the fight. Russo complains that Sid has an attitude and that no one watches his back.

Danny and Baez talk to the hospital administrator, who says HIPAA won't let her talk about anything and has the attitude that the cops are in her way and tells them to talk to in house counsel. Danny still won't give up.

Anthony gets in the lawyer's face who threatens to accuse him of assault.

Jamie is looking at his computer. Eddie wants him to turn it off. Jamie says he doesn't need to be distracted, he's fine. He's trying to get these AI scammers. No leads, with Pruitt not testifying his case is dead in the water. Eddie has full faith in him. Jamie said with AI deepfakes he doens't know.  Eddie gets a deepfake call from "McNichols" and the scammers threaten her and Jamie.

Danny and Baez talk to an ME who says the deaths look suspicious but she doesn't have enough for a warrant.  However she can go see a surgeon who she saw for a consult who went away with her for the weekend after. She may be able to get him to help.

Erin is angry at Anthony. She says someone beat Timmons up and the AGs office wants to talk to Anthony. She thinks he'd better have counsel.

Jamie goes to see Pruitt who won't give him the names of the people behind this. He says Jamie screwed up and didn't protect him so he won't help.

Scott has delivereda lot of info. Danny discovers a suspicious looking nurse named Vale.

Henry is for the fight. He says this is why people stay on the job and Frank should back off. Frank is worried says Sid will drop dead. HEnry says everyone will eventually. If there's a snowstorm will he stop Sid from shoveling the snow? Henry complains about Frank taking his car keys away 10 years ago. Henry says everyone is always putting their nose into each other's b usiness these days. The New York Times says not to drink Scotch.

The IAB person shows Anthony a video of him going after the guy which he says is ridiculous. He doesn't appreciate her going after him when Timmons had a lot of enemies. He notices something on the footage that he declines to share with her.

At the family dinner they discuss AI. Frank prefers regular intelligence. Henry doesn't understand AI and wants to talk about the smoker. Frank says he was beaten up as a rookie. Jamie recalls a fight Danny lost and Erin teases him about that. Sean asks about Joe. Frank says Joe won two fights. Danny says Joe beat him in a charity fight. Henry has never had a fight. There is one champion. It is Eddie.  Everyone is surprised.

Danny interviews Vale who insists he is innocent and two fake cops beat him up last month cause he has a gambling problem. Turns out Vale was absent on shifts where the deaths happened. He was busy gambling.  Danny wants Vale to help them.

Jamie tries to convince McNichols to help. He wants her to speak to Pruitt as Pruitt doesn't know her.

Frank goes to see Sid at the gym and says Russo had a heart attack last year and is doing this to prove he's okay. Sid says Russo has a chip on his shoulder and puts him down all the time. Frank says this could be a bloodbath. He doesn't want to nag him but… Sid says he's not quitting no matter what.

Harry's son says that his dad beat up Timmons. Anthony goes to get him and finds he has killed himself.

We see the bad guy at the hospital. It's the nurse that wouldn't let Danny see the perp at the beginning of the hour. The nurse says you don't see what I see, people abusing themselves and too old and taking up space. Shouldn't they have ignored the kidnapper they brought in? Danny tells her to drop the syringe. He arrests her. She insists she's making the world a better place.

Erin tells Anthony she knew Harry too. The first day she ever went to court she tripped and broke her heels and he fixed them right away. She's sorry he's gone. Anthony says Timmons is suing his estate. She has dug into Timmons and has a file.

Jamie arrives at the prison where McNichols is undercover as a prisoner that Jamie claims gave him some names. Pruitt says but I wanted to flip. He says he'll give him the info so he doesn't go to prison and get killed. He tells Jamie about an encrypted hard drive. He wants his deal back.  McNichols comes back and Pruitt realizes he was being tricked. He has alreay given up the info though.

Anthony sees Timmons in the hospital They show him photos. They are disabled plaintiffs who are not actually disabled. Timmons says he'll beat all the charges against him himself.

Frank calls Russo and Gormley into his office. The fight has been canceled for insurance reasons. However the fight will occur at a private gym and Frank will be the referee. One round, no time limit, last man standing takes the title. Baker comes in to give them release forms. Medical expenses won't be covered. She has included costs of standard procedures. They realize how much a broken wrist costs. Sid wants to still do it. Frank says also they both have to come in the next day no matter their condition. Russo backs out. So does Sid.  Frank suggests they admit there was a time they could do this but not anymore. Russo offers a draw. He and Sid shake hands.

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