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Blue Bloods Season 4 Episode 22 Recap: Exiles

When a high-end madam commits suicide, Danny is pulled from the case when it's revealed she was part of a sting operation run out of the DA's office. 

As Danny and Frank both hit dead ends in the case, Erin finds out that her boss Amanda Harris has been running the sting operation but Erin questions her methods. 

Frank as Kelly to look into it. She gets him a video from the sting and then resigns her position as Inspector General. She intimates that her feelings for Frank are in conflict with her job.

The video is one of Dino, Frank's Chief of Departments with a high end prostitute. The DA's office is using the recording to keep him in line and that's why he had Danny bounced from the case. Dino give a full statement, implicating DA Amanda Harris and then is forced to resign.

When Erin informs Amanda, she's furious and turns on Erin. 

Jamie and Eddy help a young woman get her documents from her father so that she can marry a Syrian national about to be deported. Jamie suspects it isn't on the up and up but it isn't what he thought. Turns out he is gay and if he is sent back to his country he will be killed. 

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