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Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 20 Review: Payback

Critic's Rating: 4.4 / 5.0

Did anyone really think that Frank Reagan was going to kow tow to a Senator on Blue Bloods Season 5 Episode 20? But it was fun to see the Senator try to get his way and he certainly used every trick in the book to do it. 

First he tried to cover for his mistress / colleague but Frank saw through that ploy pretty quickly…

Senator McCreary: Jess Weinstein, my Deputy Chief of Staff. She masterminded my last campaign. She’s sharp as a tac.

Frank: Until she becomes as dumb as a box of rocks with one of my officers.

🔗 permalink: Until she becomes as dumb as a box of rocks with one of my officers.

Mouthing off to a police officer was not going to buy her any good will with Frank Reagan and there was little doubt that the Senator’s threats would do anything more than make Frank dig his heels in further. The man bends over backwards to make sure nothing about this office even hints at impropriety. He wasn’t about to let a Senator push him into making a DUI disappear. 

Reality Murder - Blue Bloods

What I didn’t expect was that he’d end up sitting across from Ms. Farrell to explain an incident that occurred back in 1986. I was actually thrilled to see these two face off once again and then disappointed that we got so little of the interview. These two actors have some wonderful chemistry and having the majority of their interaction happen off camera felt like a missed opportunity. 

Jamie and Eddie caught an odd and disturbing case. Did all of those people really see Christina lying unconscious and shirtless in the middle of the park and do absolutely nothing to help her because they were playing a game? Not one of them even suspected that something was wrong or took the time to call 911. That was frightening. 

Unfortunately, Christina’s story quickly turned into a game of he said / she said and I loved Erin’s take on that at the Reagan family dinner in this Blue Bloods quote…

Erin: Trying to get to the truth of situations like that is like trying to deconstruct a milk shake.

🔗 permalink: Trying to get to the truth of situations like that is like trying to deconstruct a milk shake.

Needless to say, I love these family dinners. Even more so because we get to hear the perspectives of four different generations on any given topic. This time it was advice to Jamie about how to deal with his case. The answers were simple. Be a gentleman whenever possible and go the extra mile to find the answer. Jamie did both. 

I didn’t like that Jamie immediately assumed that Eddie believed the girlfriend’s story because of her own past incident. That’s just one part of her experience and I think she’s a good enough cop to put it in perspective. I believed Christina’s story as well, but then again Jamie did have a point in that there was little proof either way until he dug deeper.

Felicity Smoak -- Arrow

Finally there was Danny and Baez’s investigation into the murder of the reality TV show chef. I expected more from this story. Elena being the killer was a nice twist but I expected the plot to dive into the reality TV portion of the story a little more and was disappointed when it never went that way. 

Despite a lackluster murder of the week, this was still another entertaining hour of Blue Bloods and if you can’t wait for the next Reagan family dinner, you can watch Blue Bloods online now, here at TV Fanatic. 

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