The Reagan family is extraordinary in many ways, and that was on display on Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 8.
But while they are exceptional, they aren't perfect.
Even Danny's loyalty to a friend on the job had its flaws.

Should Danny have lied for Tommy? I was torn.
I can't imagine what it's like to voluntarily put yourself in harm's way on a regular basis as part of your job and Tommy had been doing that for decades without an issue.
So should one moment of fear in the field brand him as a coward and end his career? I suppose that would depend on the reason he froze, and that reason eclipsed his love for being a cop.
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But why did Sid show up to speak to Danny? He kept insisting that Danny was going to go down with Tommy, but how if they needed Danny's testimony and Danny stuck to their story?
Was there a recording of Danny and Tommy's conversation? I couldn't quite make sense about why Sid seemed so sure that Danny's career was also going to go down in flames.
In the end, Tommy did the right thing, which was refreshing. I don't know how many people would walk away from a long career, especially when they have substantial medical bills to pay off at home.
Elsewhere, we were once again subjected to Frank and Erin figuratively coming to blows over her new position in the DA's office.

Considering Frank's speech at the end, and I had no idea that's where the tradition of players shaking one another's hands comes from, I'm guessing we're going to see these skirmishes pop up throughout Blue Bloods Season 9.
I started off seeing both sides of this argument. Why have a law if you aren't going to enforce it?
But Erin had a point too. With the system already overwhelmed, it could be worth not prosecuting marijuana possession, especially since it seems to be a law that's on its way out to use their limited resources to pursue more serious crimes.
Frank: How many times is that son of a bitch going to send you to take his heat?
Erin: You mean the District Attorney?
Frank: Yeah, if he’s going to pursue this ridiculous marijuana policy he ought to have the balls to show up himself.
Erin: Well, in that case, the right son of a bitch is here. It’s my policy, not his.
🔗 permalink: Well, in that case, the right son of a bitch is here. It’s my policy, not his.
I loved that Erin took responsibility for the new policy and kept her head while Frank became more agitated.
While I agree that the DA's office should have had a meeting to get input from the NYPD on this new policy, I thought that Frank directing his officers ditch their court appearances for a day was petty and vindictive.
How many cases were needlessly postponed or criminals went free because the officer wasn't there to testify?
Erin kept her cool through all of it and even worked to find some middle ground by modifying the policy. In this instance, she came across as more adult than her father.

And even Nicky noticed how Erin put it all aside at the Sunday family dinner.
Erin: Every once in a while, as often as we can, there needs to be a green zone.
Nicky: But how do you just put aside whatever…
Erin: With a lot of effort because it’s important. Because it may just be the best tradition this family has.
🔗 permalink: With a lot of effort because it’s important. Because it may just be the best tradition this…
It was even more impressive considering Erin was dealing with another antiquated law that could allow sex traffickers to walk if the kids they abducted, victimized and sexually assaulted weren't strong enough to testify.
I was proud of Erin for being honest with that 16-year-old girl and giving her the power to make her own decision about whether to testify. No matter what her decision would have been, it was the right thing to do for that victim.
In getting Governor Mendez to agree to pass the new law, was Erin selling her soul?
Perhaps, but did she really have a choice? Getting that law through means more sex traffickers will end up in prison; that's hard to walk away from.
But the Governor isn't a man who gives away favors for free, and there's little doubt he'll expect payback at some point soon; he made that clear.
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Finally, we get to Jamie, who faced his first life or death call as a sergeant.
Jamie's okay making those decisions for himself, but sending others to face a bullet wasn't as easy.
Henry was right, of course. The mere fact that it bothers Jamie this much means he'll never make one of these decisions lightly, and that makes him a strong leader.
And Eddie was right there to keep him grounded in this Blue Bloods quote:
Eddie: Don’t do that.
Jamie: Do what?
Eddie: Armchair quarterback yourself. You did the right thing.
🔗 permalink: Armchair quarterback yourself. You did the right thing.
Eddie knew exactly what was plaguing Jamie without him having to explain it to her. The fact that Jamie and Eddie both understand the job and talk about these things makes them an even stronger couple.

Having Eddie around for Sunday family dinners has turned out to be just as much fun as I had hoped. She's added new life and new humor to this always favorite family gathering.
Danny saying that Staten Island qualified as a destination wedding had me laughing, and the family even had me going for a bit with their insistence on a family honeymoon.
Now that Jamie and Eddie have picked out a church for their wedding, I'm hoping they'll pick a date because these are nuptials I can't wait to attend!
So TV Fanatics, did you think Erin's new policy was wrong, or did Frank overreact?
And are you enjoying Eddie at the Reagan family dinners as much as I am?
Don't forget to check back for my review of Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 9 and until then, you can watch Blue Bloods online here at TV Fanatic.