Erin meets Nicky’s new boyfriend, also named Nicky (Nicholas), who is 30-years old. Turns out that Nicholas has family ties to the mob in a case that Erin is bringing to trial in less than a month. Nicky thinks her mother is overreacting, but then he decides to leave a briefcase out in her apartment and tell Nicholas that her mother left it behind. When she leaves the room, Nicholas goes through the briefcase and Nicky has him on video.
Eddie and her partner walk away when a group of people at a housing complex call them names and threaten them. A video of the event goes viral. Eddie and her partner think they did the smart thing but Jamie thinks they should have had them in cuffs and Frank is furious that the NYPD allowed itself to be bullied.
Frank has armored units, with ESU Bearcats and helicopter air support raid the complex at 6 am and arrest everyone with an active warrant. Garrett thinks it is a blow to community policing and even Jamie thinks it’s the equivalent to using a sledgehammer to drive in a couple of nails, but Frank believes he is proving that the NYPD’s authority cannot be questioned.
During one of the raids, Eddie arrests a man who tries to run. It turns out he’s a serial killer the police couldn’t previously find.
Danny is approached by a former felon, Molly, who just completed a nine-month jail term, to talk to her little brother, Romeo, who is 16-years-old and has gotten involved in a gang. When Danny goes to see Romeo, he finds he has a gun on him and has to arrest him. The gun is connected to five different homicides.
Romeo refuses to give up the shooters name, but Danny tracks down that five different people used that gun to commit murder in order to join the gang. When Romeo agrees to try and turn his life around, Danny says he’ll have to do three months in juvenile detention for possession of the gun and so he’ll know the life he was headed towards if he doesn’t change.
Molly is happy that Danny helped her brother and the two realize they have more in common than they first realized.
Danny cuts off Jack’s allowance and meal plan when he learns his son skipped classes for a week. Erin thinks he shouldn’t starve Jack, but Henry thinks he’s doing the right thing. Danny agrees to think about cutting back a bit on the punishment.