Nucky meets with Margaret while waiting for a train in New York. Richard returns to Atlantic City and runs into Paul Sagorsky. The two men each confess something to each other. Edgar Hoover tells Agent Knox his case is compromised so Knox visits Eli and Mickey to see how much they know if anything, about Eddie’s recent interrogation. Eli enlists Knox’s help to recover the safety deposit box Eddie had opened. Eli worries about Willie and discusses visiting him at school. Chalky brings his son around the club much to the chagrin of his wife. Later he sends for Daughter and voices his criticism about her latest performance. In florida Nucky learns about Tucker going missing. When Meyer and Lucky arrive they are one partner short, but are introduced to a possible replacement who happens to recognize Luciano. Meyer and Lucky have a disagreement and part ways. Nucky get close to Sally Wheet and leaves her in charge of his affairs. Richard and Julia discuss their future and the welfare of Tommy.