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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 11 Recap: Valloweaster

The Halloween heist begins. It's a partner heist this year.

Rosa's partnered with Scully, Amy with Charles, and Jake with Holt. Terry opts out.

Jake and Amy, unbeknownst to each other, planned these teams which were supposed to have been randomly picked.

They're competing for a knockoff replica of The Infinity Gauntlet. Whoever possesses the three gems at the end of the day wins.

Bill is guarding the gems.

Jake sets off a smoke bomb so he can steal the gems, but the plan goes awry. The gems are swallowed by Cheddar.

The squad agrees to reschedule the heist for the next time they have a free day while they wait for Cheddar to pass the gems.

Their next free day is Valentine's day. Rosa and Scully make an attempt to steal the gems, but this time Scully accidentally swallows them.

The heist is rescheduled again to Easter.

Rosa changes her partner to a filing cabinet. 

Amy and Rosa find out Holt's plan to dress everyone up as Easter bunnies by listening into Jake's therapy sessions.

During the bunny mayhem, someone runs and jumps off the roof with the gems. 

It's revealed to be Rosa, helped by Terry.

Rosa kept switching out the stones to keep the heist going. On Halloween and Valentine's Day she ended up in possession of the real stones, so she's technically won the heist three times. 

This makes her the person with the most wins on the squad.

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