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Carnival Row Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Kindred

Imogen Agreus and Ezra are at a party with The New Dawn.

Argeus and Ezra leave, and Imogen follows quickly thereafter.

They arrive at the dock preparing to leave, but the Pact starts bombing the port.

They all get handed guns, and prepare to fight.

Philo is taken from Bleakness to help find the Sparas.

Dombey admits to wanting to trust Philo after Philo saved him from the Raven.

Philo returns to the Row and talks with Darius.

He returns home to find the place destroyed and grabs things he needs.

Vignette and Tourmaline go for help getting out of the Burge, but end up getting attacked.

Tourmaline and Vignette learn that the Pact army is gone from Tirnanoc.

Philo gets assaulted by some Fae on the Row, but he fights back.

He gets beaten to the point of passing out, but Darius saves him before he dies.

Darius and Philo argue, and Darius brings Vignette into the mix.

Vignette and Philo talk about what there next steps are, and how they ruined each other.

Vignette tells Philo she's leaving to help Tourmaline, and bids Philo to take care of himself.

Philo determined that Millworthy may have seen the Sparas transform.

Millworthy attends Jonah's funeral, where Philo makes himself known.

Philo's idea is to send all the fae back to Tirnanoc.

Philo tells Vignette and Tourmaline about the ships he arranged with Millworhy that will take the Fae to Tirnanoc.

Tourmaline and Darius have another befriending moment during celebrations on the Row.

Vignette helps gather every sick Pix, and close up the medical section of the Row.

The Fae all line up at the gate, and the humans finally open the gate, letting the Faefolk out.

The Fae rejoice as they walk out, and Vignette stops to talk to Philo, and try and convince him to join them to Tirnanoc.

The humans of the Burge scream at and insult the Fae.

Berwik finds out that Philo never was going to go after the Sparas.

Before everyone can get on the ship, the Blak Raven attack it, and set it on fire.

The Sparas joins in, and helps defend the Raven as the humans shoot at them.

The fae folk start panicking, and Tourmaline tells Vignette that this isn't how or where she dies,

The Sparas attack Berwik, which sends Philo into a panic.

He gets to Berwik's aid too late, and Philo watches as the man dies.

Vignette tries to get Philo to leave, and after a few more moments with the body, he does.

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