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Lewis Flynn takes an immediate interest in his newest teammate (Marti) as soon as she arrives on the scene. This causes a problem because he previously dated Hellcats co-captain Alice. He’s also a cheerleader.

By Matt Richenthal

Hellcats returned this week with a solid episode. Also, with a slew of new singles played on the CW hit.

By Matt Richenthal

Hellcats moves to Wednesdays on January 25. Get your first look now at pictures from the upcoming episode “Papa, Oh Papa.”

By TV Fanatic Staff

Hellcats moves to Tuesdays with this episode. What will happen to Marti and Savannah’s friendship, now that the Dan cat is out of the bag? That’s the question.

By TV Fanatic Staff

Savannah heads home this week to cool off and try to relax. Marti, meanwhile, finds a distraction because she doesn’t know what to do with her feelings for both Dan and Lewis.

By TV Fanatic Staff

Ready to go back to the 1980s?!? The Hellcats celebrate a milestone with a party that is based in that decade this week. Meanwhile, thins don’t go as well as planned for Savannah’s big night with Dan.