August 4, 2010 | 0 Comments
A has her sights sets on the girls again this week, as she targets them during an upscale camping trip. Meanwhile, the FBI gets involved in Alison’s murder as new evidence comes to light.
A has her sights sets on the girls again this week, as she targets them during an upscale camping trip. Meanwhile, the FBI gets involved in Alison’s murder as new evidence comes to light.
Check out a few photos now from “Please, Do Talk About Me When I’m Gone.” We meet Jenna’s brother on this episode and watch Alison’s memorial.
The girls are trapped in school on this episode because a major storm is brewing. That can only lead to trouble and to danger.
The memorial is finally ready this week. But all doesn’t go as planned for the girls, as last-minute preparations hit a major snag.
Fallout from the disastrous homecoming dance is at the center of this episode. Moreover, the Montgomery household starts to receive text messages… from someone other than A!
The most pressing question of all will soon be answered on Pretty Little Liars: Who the heck is A?!?
It’s almost homecoming on Pretty Little Liars. Get an early look at Tuesday night’s episode via a series of still images now.
Time for homecoming! That iconic high school experience takes place this week, but all doesn’t go smoothly. Not with A still stalking the lives of our favorite main characters.
A new episode of Pretty Little Liars will air on Tuesday night. Check out a few stills and a few scenes from it now.
How do you stop yourself from being stalked? By blocking all texts and emails, of course. The girls try that this week. Meanwhile, one of them received a gift from a surprising crush.