The witches are back and are ready to take down the Faction!
Thanks to the pandemic, Charmed (2018) Season 2 had to end early, and we, unfortunately, were left with a finale that did not actually feel like a conclusion to a season that deserved an epic ending.
What we are left with on Charmed (2018) Season 3 Episode 1 is a continuation of that story and a premiere that didn't come across as a premiere to a new season.
But that's okay. If anything, it's nice that the writers aren't rushing through this one story to get to the next one. Instead, they continued to build on the Faction's potential as a villain and sprinkled in new conflicts.
It's been made clear that Julian isn't a villain. He was just being influenced by one — Vivienne. Thanks to Macy and her love of science, Vivienne's influence no longer has a hold on him, and the Charmed Ones have one extra player on their team.
Hildegrim: I could guide you there if you like, but you understand my services come at a high price, too.
Harry: Oh, let me guess, one of our souls? Hmm? Perhaps possession of our bodies for a day?
Hildegrim: What? No, weirdo.
🔗 permalink: What? No, weirdo.
Julian's character has never had the chance to develop fully, and he has never stood out amongst the rest of the cast. Having him switch sides will hopefully bring out another side to him that will make him interesting.
Plus, it was a nice surprise that the sisters didn't use the Clarion potion to make Julian change his mind. Instead, they relied on Macy to figure out a scientific solution.
Science has always been a big part of Macy, and using it instead of magic went along nicely with what seemed to be the overarching theme of the episode.
Everyone wants magic. The Faction wants to give it to themselves and humans, while the sisters, rightfully so, want to keep the magic they were born with.
But, as we learned, magic is not and should not be the solution to all the world's problems. And it definitely should not be used to resolve relationship issues.
Harry: You’ll find someone else.
Macy: I don’t want someone else.
Harry: Nor do I, but-
Macy: It’s complicated. It is Harry. I get it, but we’ll muddle through, we’ll be fine.
Harry: Not if I make a mistake and you die. I can’t live with that.
Macy: Well, dying can’t be so terrifying that we just stop living.
🔗 permalink: Nor do I.
It was worrisome that Harry wanted Maggie to take away his feelings for Macy as that did not seem fair to any of the involved parties.
You would think that a Whitelighter would be wiser than Harry was being, but I digress.
Macy proved not only to be the hero of the hour for convincing Julian of his aunt's evil ways but also for being level-headed enough to talk Harry into actually giving their relationship a chance.
While there is sure to be more back-and-forth between Macy and Harry regarding their relationship status, they seem to be on a good path right now.
If we learned anything from Piper and Leo on the original Charmed, it's that there are always going to be bumps in the road in a relationship between a witch and a Whitelighter.
Macy and Harry have been through a lot to get to where they are now, though, and deserve a bit of a honeymoon period.
Besides, they'll probably be too focused on trying to take down the Faction than their own relationship woes. At the very least, they should be.
Their main issue has been putting each other before their duties, but they will need to trust one another if they want to make it. And Harry did just that when he let her finish her test on Rosemary. Things are looking up!
While Macy and Harry were off trying to find a Siren's tongue and solve Harry's dilemma, Maggie and Mel negotiated with Jimmy and experimented with new powers.
Maggie's emotional inception was a bit out of control, resulting in Mel's new personalities and a lot of laughter from the audience.
It's always a joy to see the witches navigate a new power, and this was no exception.
With the dark topics that Charmed (2018) addresses, there need to be light-hearted scenes to balance them out. Thankfully, despite the tragedies she has faced, Maggie has always been the brightest part of the show.
And it was nice to see Mel calm down and not act irrationally for an episode.
Did anyone else think that Jimmy got away too easily?
He's killed multiple people and put the Charmed Ones at risk numerous times, and yet he gets a free pass at a new life thanks to a potion.
Jimmy: Is this the part where bad cop makes an empty threat?
Mel: No, Jimmy. This is the part where you give me the word, or I melt you into a puddle, wipe you up, and throw you into the trash.
🔗 permalink: No, Jimmy. This is the part where you give me the word, or I melt you into a puddle, wipe you…
It seemed like an easy way to get rid of him for the time being as Jimmy's last scene in England indicated that this is not the last we have seen of him.
He has been made out to be too big of a villain for his story to end this way. It's just frustrating that the sisters would ever let him go, but they have made a few mistakes before, so it's not too surprising.
We also saw the return of Jordan, and he formed an unlikely partnership with Abigael. They are both compelling characters, so why not pair them together?
It's definitely not a relationship that either of them want, but one born of necessity.
Abigael: I’m such a loser I don’t even have enemies. Well done, Charmed Ones.
🔗 permalink: I’m such a loser I don’t even have enemies. Well done, Charmed Ones.
Jordan needs to continue to balance the scales thanks to his murderous ancestors, and, as we have now learned, Abigael needs to find her sister.
There is another Caine sibling? What are the odds? Well, it's a bit of a stretch and a bit dramatic, but that doesn't mean we aren't intrigued to find out who this mysterious sister is.
Bring on the drama!
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What did you think, Charmed Fanatics?
Are you happy that the show picked up right where it left off? How badass was Macy during this whole episode?
And who else absolutely gushed when the show referenced the original Charmed when we found out the witch that Jordan needed to save was trapped in a painting?
Let me know in the comments, and do not forget that you can watch Charmed (2018) online right here via TV Fanatic!
Charmed (2018) airs Sundays at 9/8c on The CW.