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Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 22 Recap: Red Waterfall

Sylvie tries to convince Amber to reclaim custody of the baby and give her to Sylvie. Amber asks to be given some time.

Sylvie talks to Stella and Violet about it. They talk about Severide's absence.

The team responds to an emergency. Herrmann saves a woman who claims to be a medium and gives him a bad reading.

Stella finds a bullet in one of the cars where the driver fled the scene.

Stella talks to Boden about Severide's father.

Sylvie freaks out about the outcome of Amber's decision.

Stella calls Casey and tells him about the bullet. Casey says there might be something there, and he decides to come to Chicago.

Stella talks to Sylvie about Kelly and his constant absence.

Sylvie tells Casey about her decision to adopt, and he promises to offer his support.

Violet, Casey, Stella, and Mouch visit Amber to vouch for Sylvie.

Dylan breaks up with Sylvie.

Casey and Stella find some leads on their DHS case.

They track down a fire at a power station, and on arrival, Casey notices bullet dents.

They attempt to put out the fire, but someone begins shooting at them.

Casey sees the shooter and decides to act on it. Boden disagrees, but Casey does it anyway. Stella, Carver, and Gallo back him up.

They find two shooters on the roof and subdue one. Cops arrive and go after the other.

Mouch is shot by a stray bullet.

Amber calls and says she will take custody of the baby.

Stella packs and goes to find Kelly.

Herrmann visits Mouch at the hospital and notices that Moouch has been bleeding out.

Casey visits Sylvie at home, gets down on one knee, and proposes.

The episode ends.

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