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Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 1 Recap: Always

Who will get out alive when Chicago Fire comes back for Season 3 on Tuesday September 23rd?

Shay dies in the fire. It's almost unbearable. Dawson has been through so much. She stayed at Firehouse 51 and put off her firefighter promotion to Firehouse 105 because 51 needs her.

Mouch wants to take Boden our to celebrate his new family, but also wants to go dutch. Awkward.

Hermann decides it's time to expand Molly's, after all Chili's has done really well. He always thought they had all the time in the world.

Welch is still riding Dawson's ass and she hasn't even joined the house yet. He and Casey almost come to blows.

Dawson wants Casey to ask her to marry her again. She didn't say yes the first time because it would be a memory of that day. 

When Dawson tells Casey he's always there for her, he realizes where Severide must be and goes to him.

Severide doesn't want to return, but Casey has a message for him. The names on the wall don't represent death, they represent the lives they save.

Otis gets to know the new paramedic.

One of the firemen finds Mills' grandfather.

Boden and Donna go on their date with Mouch and Platt, the latter who assures Boden the dinner is on them. Mouch has his hands full!

Dawson finally crashes and admits she traded places with Shay. She should have been the one to die.

Severide comes back. He helps Casey gather up things for Shay's parents and puts in a DVD they filmed about their rental contract. They promised to be there for each other. Always.

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