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Chicago PD Season 10 Episode 12 Recap: I Can Let You Go

  • Hailey is still trying to reach out to Halstead and still isn't hearing anytthing from him or getting any response.
  • Hailey keeps getting calls from county jail from Sean O'Neal.
  • Trudy tells Hailey that Sean called her directly at home because he wants to speak to Hailey and has a message for her.
  • Hailey finally goes to see Sean and he tells her about what people have shared with him while he's in prison.
  • He tells her that somebody abducted a woman
  • Hailey looks into the Samantha Beck that Sean claims has been missing. She goes to the woman's house and ther's blood everywhere.  She sees a boy sitting in one spot, Callum. He says that people left after taking his mother and they said the house would explode if he moves.
  • It's a fake laser to make the kid think that he's going to explode and there's nothing there to harm him.
  • Callum tells them about the men who took his mother.
  • Hailey goes back to talk to Sean for more information.
  • Sean offers to give her everything he gets while in jail in exchange for her visiting him every week.
  • They wire Sean up so they can get infromation from Parker about missing Beck.
  • Sean talks about Abby and gets Parker to talk about what he arranged with Samantha. They find out that the guys sent Samantha's father a video of her begging for him but he didn't tell the police about it. They want a million dollars.
  • they figure out that the men who took Samantha sound like they know the father Richard and are trying to get back at him.
  • They're able to isolate where they think Samantha is based on the rnsom video and hit the location but they're too late and it's cleared out.
  • Parker took the fall for his friends and that's why they're doing all this for him to make enough money to pay for a lawyer for his appeal. They're stil trying to figure out why everyone thinks Richard Beck has all this money.
  • They get hits on three structures that could be where they're keeping Samanta so the team rolls out to hit all of them.
  • Kim and Kevin end up in a shootout with the suspect and then he leads them on a chase. The car flips over andn there's more shooting.
  • Samantha is the one who kilsl one of her abductors. She is in shock.
  • Hailey and Voight talk to Samantha at the hospital and suspect that she knows her father has all this money in offshore accounts and who he really is, but she doesn't say anything. They intend to keep an eye out.
  • Hailey keeps calling Jay and still hasn' theard from him so she calls his boss and learns that Jay asked for an extension and never told her.
  • Hailey goes to Sean to tell him that she's not coming back there for him and can't do it. he tells her it's okay and that her little speech she's giving him is to the wrong person, implying it should be to Jay.

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