Kevin has a meal with his father and they talk about Lew's future.
Lew plans on getting his license to become a truck driver.
Atwater stops at a jewelry to get his watch fixed. And while there, he hears glass breaking and screaming. A civilian running away tells him about an armed robbery happening in the store, and he calls it in and goes inside in hopes of stopping it.
The gunman starts shooting at Kevin.
They eventually escape, and one of the employees gets shot and caught in between the two doors. Kevin tries to get to him to save him, but he can't because of the bulletproof glass. But the entire thing is suspect because neither employee was listening to him.
Kevin internalizes blame when the ME says that Corey, the husband and employee who died, may have survived if Kevin managed to get to him in time.
He's taking the case too personally but still determined to work it. And they get footage of what happened leading up to the robbery. Despite her earlier statements, they see footage that Corey's wife DID see the robber's face. He makes eye contact with her before pulling his mask down.
Atwater goes to the woman at her home to talk to her about it, but she shuts him down and blames him for not getting to her husband in time.
She gives Atwater the impression that she's scared for her life, so they put cops on her house.
Kevin and Ruzek hit up a pawn shop for an ID on one of the robbers, and Kevin gets a bit amped up with the guy to get answers, something Ruzek notes when they're in the car.
They hear another call for a robbery with a similar M.O. and Ruzwater responds to it. They chase after the perps who start shooting people, but Kevin stops to assist a victim shot rather than chase after one of the robbers… still in his head about what happened before.
Ruzek checks in on Kevin and offers to talk with him because he knows that call to not chase after the perp wasn't the best one.
Voight is upset about them losing the perps and demands Kevin find sdomething to get Theresa to talk, press her.
Kevin talks to his father, who gives him the pep talk and encouragement he needs, telling him to stop holding himself accountable for everyone and everything.
Kevin uses something from Theresa's son's past to get her to ID one of the robbers, Phillip Morris.
Voight and Atwater interrogate him, hoping to get the other perp.
He names his partner, Travis.They head to Travis' place but he isn't there. They find things he stole, drugs, and money. And a phnoe they hope to track him on.
They track him, but he's headed to Theresa's house, and when Kevin calls to warn patrol he learns that they left and no one is there. He heads there himself, makes sure Theresa's son stays hidden, and finds Travis in the house. He opens fire on Kevin, but Kevin shoots him in the chest.
Theresa comes out and is shocked to see what happened, but when Kevin asks her with assistance calling it in or helping with the wound, she refuses because she doesn't believe he should be able to live.
The second perp survives.
Voight talks to Kevin about his guilt and regret, but it doesn't stop him from having a sleepless night. He goes back to the crime scene and replays everytihng, wondering if he could've gotten to Corey in time. He finds the key that would've unlocked the door.