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Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 6 Recap: Survival

Voight shows up at the cop bar for a drink, and the bartender gives him a photo of Justin, which he found from his days working there.

Voight is leaving the bar when he sees a blinking alarm or stun gun under a dumpster and a cat that's licking at blood in the snow. Voight investigates it, searching for the origin, and notices cameras in the alley. He checks out the nearest store with the cameras to see the footage.

In the footage, Voight sees a guy by the dumpster who gets attacked, hit with a bat, and dragged into the car.

Voight calls the case in Torres, and Hailey show up. They find drugs at the scene.

Ruzek and Kim get ID on the kid, and Voight notifies the parents himself, but they don't seem to have any interest in their son because they're super religious and Noah is gay.

Voight puts the pressure on Chapman to help him find this kid because they're all he has. She helps by pulling open her files on the suspected perpetrator.

Torres hits up a tweaker for Jones, the primary suspect.

They track down Jones and Torres has to run him down and tackle him. They take him in.

Voight interrogates Jones and presses him about Noah. Jones doesn't give him anything and is being a jerk. He asks for a lawyer.

They get a lead and go searching. Voight and Hailey end up in an accident, hitting a car that appears as though it's trying to get away from them.

They hold the driver at gunpoint. But it's Noah. He falls out the car, severely injured and with creepy red eyes that he can't close. He tries to give them information while in the ambulance.

He had severe injuries and Noah's eyes were stapled open.

Voight and the team find the place they suspect Noah was being held and they all go to raid it.

Voight realizes that this might be bigger than Jones when he sees where there are chains on the wall to torure.

Voight tries to get Noah to identify who did it and Noah almost has a panic attack and throws it all on Jones, but Voight doesn't trust that. He tells Chapman who doesn't know if Voight's instincts are right.

Voight goes to Jones to get information about who is really responsible for torturing Noah as he's getting released but Jones doesn't give him anything.

They start looking into Noah's family and their church and past. They also look into what he's been up to in the months he's  been in Chicago.

ASA calls the chief in because Voight let Jones go. She still beleives that Jones is the one who did it because he has a history of homophobia, he was Noah's dealer, etc.

Voight thinks he knows better because he recognizes his son in Noah. They tell him to arrest Jones as a warrant has been issued.

Jones has a gun, but Atwater and Burgess are able to talk him down. Voight demands they take him inside "to talk" Jones thinks they're trying to frame him, and Voight tells him that CPD is trying to frame him and demands the real answers to questions now.

They hit a wall and Voight pores over the video footage after sending everyone home.Voight pulls an all-nighter trying to find anything useful.

Voight heads to the home that Noah was staying at to ask aroud about if Noah had friends, associates, or anyone knew anything about the car that was following him. .

Someone mentioned that he used to sing Gospel music when he thought he was alone and sounded beautiful. Voight notices the bus stop at the Great Lakes Mission Home and gets the footage off the bus. He gets fotoage of the car that followed him and a man getting out of it.

Voight goes back to the hospital to talk to Noah. He tells him he knows Jones wasn't it and swears he'll find the person who did this to him.

Chapman comes to Voight's house to apologize and clear the air a bit. She says they got Jones on something else but know he isn't the one who did it.

She mentions that Voight reels her in a lot and then pushes her away as if he can't make up his mind if he wants to be an island by himself.

Noah interrupts them to ask Voight directions for where to find toiletries. He's staying with Voight now because he has nowhere else to go.

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