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Chicago PD Season 8 Episode 16 Recap: The Other Side

Chicago PD kicks off with Burgess getting kidnapped. 

Ruzek arrives on the scene to find her car abandoned and her gear left behind with traces of blood. 

Intelligence begins an investigation to find Burgess. 

They locate the car that took her. Halstead tries to get a warrant, but Voight disregards the rules. They hit up the house to find out information and Ruzek puts a gun to the man's head. 

Atwater calls him out for his behavior, but he informs him that he needs to find Burgess. 

When Ruzek gets too emotional and believes no one is doing everything in their power to look for her, Voight tells him to take a walk. 

Atwater checks in on his friend, but Ruzek is upset with him for defending police reform at a time like this. 

A brawl erupts between them, but Hailey and Halstead break it up. 

The teams decided to split up their efforts — Halstead and Atwater search for the Buick while the rest of the team canvasses neighborhoods. 

When nothing turns up in Ruzek and Upton's neighborhoods, she realizes Voight took all the promising leads. 

She tells Ruzek to sit this one out and go home to take care of Makayla. 

She then tracks down Voight, who is trying to beat Burgess's location out of him. 

She tries to get him to stop his crusade, but Voight's mind is made up. 

Atwater and Halstead find an abandoned lot and see headlights. 

Burgess, who had been shot and left to die by Roy, managed to pull herself to a car and turn them on before passing out due to blood loss. 

They find her and bring her to Med where she undergoes surgery. 

Meanwhile, Voight wants to take Roy out. Upton convinces Voight to bring Roy in but when he uncuffs him, Roy reaches for his gun as Upton shoots him dead. 

Voight takes care of it by burying Roy's body so that no one finds out. 

Upton arrives at home and tells Halstead that she loves him before suggesting they get married. 

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