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Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 22 Recap: You And Me

  • Voight warns Anna that she's  burned and comes to pick her up and brings her to the police station. She feels like he's parading her in front of and exposing her to everyone.
  • She sees her identitiy on the murder board and feels some kind of way about all of it. She wants out.
  • She gets interrogated but misleads them about what she saw so that she doesn't qualify for the wistsec.
  • Anna disappears and they have to track her down.
  • Voight and Halstead find Escano dead and he tells them befor ehe dies that Anna stabbed him. She also castrated him.
  • Voight goes into overdrive trying to both find Anna and cover for her.
  • Halstead realizes that Voight is trying to cover for ANna and wants to do things the right way. He offers help where he can.
  • Hailey inserts herself into the situaton when she feels like Halstead is getting dragged into Voight's stuff like she was.
  • They find Anna and she pulls her gun out on Voight. He tries to talk her down.
  • She shoots him in the arm and Hailey shoots her in the chest twice.
  • Voight is emotional and tries to stay wth her the whole time they're working on her, but she dies and he's devastated.

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