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Chucky Season 2 Episode 3 Recap: Hail, Mary!

The gang is trying to brainwash Chucky and turn him into an ally.

It's a difficult endeavor and one that causes a lot of problems as they have to try to keep it together.

Brice sees Jake and Devon embracing in the school and sends Devon to clean some of the trophies.

The teens successfully rehabilitate Chucky but realize something is off when another doll shows up and starts killing.

Lexy is running out of drugs and is caught by the nurse trying to steal them.

Trevor also catches her taking drugs with her mom's name on them, something that he tries to use as leverage.

He sets out to hide drugs in her room, but an armored Chucky doll appears and kill him.

The kids then try to hide the body as inspections are carried out.

The teenagers are left to wonder what could be on the agenda next.

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