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Chucky Season 3 Episode 2 Recap: Let the Right One In

The teenagers know they don't have many avenues to look for in order to find out more about Chucky in the White House.

Miss. Fairchild recognizes the doll on TV and tells the kids she'll work with them to take him down.

Lexy says they should try to go in through Grant because of his social media presence.

She believes she can try to get through to him by talking about his brother.

Chucky tells the kid to ask his dad if he can go with him to work. He reluctantly agrees and Chucky kills James' assistant.

Price is called in and he tells Charlotte that he's there to cover up anything that might make the U.S. government look bad.

She's told that she has to keep this quiet from her husband and they can find a way to make it work.

But Charlotte is battling with the fact that there's a killer inside the White House and no way forward to keep her family safe.

Things take a turn when Miss. Fairchild arrives and wants to get the kids immersed in the world of the White House.

Charlotte is called away and Chucky sneaks in and kills Miss. Fairchild because he wants the kids to be orphans again.

Charlotte is struggling because of the deaths inside the White House and because she has to keep it all hush.

Chucky calls the kids and makes fun of them and says he's made them orphans again.

Devon and Jake grow closer and are caught almost having sex.

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