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Clarice Season 1 Episode 12 Recap: Father Time

ViCAP raids Alastor Pharmaceuticals. Krendler slaps handcuffs on Hagen. Tripathi and Clarice visit Eva Gallows, the artist who painted "Alastor." Hagen informs Hudlin Alastor will get off with a fine. Gallows calls "Alastor" a blank canvas. Hudlin calls Krendler as men sent by Hagen to kill him are breaking into his house. They leave documents to incriminate him and stage his suicide. Herman's Violent Crimes unit gets called to the scene instead of ViCAP. Krendler calls Ruth to get rid of Herman. Clarice punches Eddie, a particularly obnoxious member of Violent Crimes. No one buys Hudlin's "suicide note." Ardelia tells Clarice she is concerned with Clarice's behavior. Tripathi finds a second painting in "Alastor." The pigment Hagen supplied for "Alastor" has biologicals in it. Ruth issues a search warrant for Global Health Horizons and Krendler orders Clarice to interrogate Tyson. She tries to get him to see the truth about Nils. Bellows had been kept by her patron Hagen. The biologicals in the painting are Hagen's blood. Clarice and Esquivel talk about the night before. Clarice lashes out by analyzing Dr. Li. Li won't sign the slip for the director clearing Clarice, leaving it up to Clarice about whether she wants to go back to a job that traumatizes her. Clarice turns in her badge and gun to Krendler. He urges her not to quit but to find a way to cope with her anger. She still walks away. Reporter Rebecca appears to Clarice in the parking lot. She will only work with Clarice. The rest of ViCAP calls Ardelia for help. While on a run, Clarice remembers her father having her make a payoff to criminals. Esquivel realizes Ty is supplying women for his father to impregnate through his foundation. Ty goes to Clarice's apartment to talk. 

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