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Classic TV Quotes: Arrested Development Season Three

Sure, it may have been a shortened season with only thirteen episodes, four of which were aired during the finale night, but at least Fox gave us an ending to Arrested Development with its third and finale season.

During the third season we saw Michael fall in love with the gorgeous Rita, Tobias risk his life to keep a beautiful head of hair, learned that Lindsay was adopted, watched the boys head to Iraq, and saw and the fitting end to the three year long trial.  Oh and a nice surprise ending where the real power behind the Bluth family lied.

So while rumors continue to fly about an Arrested Development movie, you can waste your time reading them… or you can spend them on TV Fanatic reading some of the funniest Arrested Development quotes.

With over 1,000 quotes spanning the three amazing seasons, we easily have the most complete collection on the Internet.  So go ahead and vote for your favorites, as we show you some of our favorites from season three:

Michael: Hey, why don’t you pop a tent in front with your cousin Maeby?
George Michael: What? No!
Maeby: I’m not really the outdoorsy type.
Michael: Well, this is a good chance for you to rub off on her. | permalink
Michael: If you’re really lonely, maybe it’s time you went out there and you got yourself a girlfr.. a pet.
Buster: How about a turtle?
Michael: Great.
Buster: I’ve always loved those leathery little snappy faces.
Michael: You certainly have a type. | permalink
Michael: You know, your average American male is in a perpetual state of adolescence, you know, arrested development.
Narrator: Hey, that’s the name of the show. | permalink


Michael: I’m not going to lie to your son.
Gob: Come on! I lie to yours all the time. | permalink
Michael: I was at the property the Japanese funded today. The whole backside has moles.
Tobias: That’s Frank’s problem, too. | permalink
Michael: You’ve never told me how many houses there are in the British Parliament.
Rita: Seven.
Michael: Are there?
Narrator: The answer is three.
Michael: Does sound about right.
Narrator: Three is the correct answer. | permalink
Michael: Mom wants to sleep with the warden.
Gob: What? Oh, God!
Lindsay: Great.
Michael: Great? The man is old enough to be her contemporary, Lindsay. | permalink
Michael: You just thought you’d put the stand right here?
Gob: Did the research. Did you know that more frozen bananas are sold here on this boardwalk than anywhere in The O.C.?
Michael: Don’t call it that. | permalink
Lindsay: Did you get a lawyer?
Tobias: Only the best-looking and best educated lawyer in the whole O.C.
Bob: Don’t call it that. | permalink
George: Well, I don’t think the Home Builder’s Organization is gonna be supporting us.
Michael: Yeah, the HBO is not gonna want us. What are we gonna do now?
Oscar: Well, I think it’s Showtime. | permalink
Lindsay: Well, why don’t you just go to Dad and ask him who Nellie is, point-blank?
Michael: So, he can just cover it up and lie? I can’t stand to hear one more lie out of this family.
Tobias: Oh, there’s the woman I’m sexually attracted to.
Michael: Ok, but that’s the last one. | permalink
Michael: So, you just finished off the bottle?
Lindsay: Well, I had to. It’s vodka, you know. It goes bad once it’s opened.
Michael: I think that’s another one of mum’s little fibs. You know, like, I’ll sacrifice anything for my children. | permalink
Tobias: Although, perhaps I should call the ‘hot cops’ and tell them to come up with something more nautically themed … ‘HOT sailors’ … or ‘hot sea-ma’.
Michael: I like ‘hot sailors’.
Tobias: Me, too … | permalink
Michael: Gob, I’m not going to turn this mock trial into some kind of —
Gob: You were going to say “mockery,” weren’t you?
Michael: I was in trouble, like, three words into that. | permalink
Doctor: You could be a groom. Bring a little girlfriend up there with you.
George Michael: Oh, I don’t have a girlfriend.
Doctor: A sister then, or a cousin. ‘Course, you’re gonna have to kiss.
Narrator: Guess who liked that idea? | permalink

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