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Cobra Kai Premiere Date for Supersized Final Season Comes with a Catch

If you had told me back in 1984 that we'd still be following the antics of The Karate Kid 40 years later, I would have laughed in your face.

As The Karate Kid movies progressed, they became less compelling.

Still, the magic surrounding them never subsided, and nobody could have predicted the advent of streaming or the success of Cobra Kai.

Cobra Kai Kids
(Netflix (Teaser Screenshot))

The one-time YouTube original was a hit from the start, but it became a juggernaut when it ultimately landed on Netflix.

We've gotten to know Daniel again, grown close to his family and discovered the warm heart that resides inside Johnny's chest.

Date Night with the LaRussos -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

But when two former enemies become allies, you always know there's another combatant coming around the corner.

It's an incredible feat of the industry to have reassembled the most crucial characters in The Karate Kid universe for Cobra Kai.

Kreese was a legend himself, and as the final season is on the horizon, taking him down and putting him in his place once and for all is on the table.

Can Daniel and Johnny use all of the resources in their hands to do the job?

Mai Tai Pool Side -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 1
(Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix)

Well, Netflix promises big things for the supersized final season, and in the first Cobra Kai Season 6 trailer, you can sense the good guys are poised for a stunning victory.

So, what's the catch?

How can a 15-episode final season be anything but as badass as Cobra Kai itself?

Light in the Dark -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 3
(Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix)

When the season is split into three parts, the air goes out of your balloons just a little bit.

The first batch of episodes drops on July 18.

While they don't say the three sections will be evenly divided with five episodes each, it seems a logical conclusion.

Netflix could also choose a 6/6/3 route or any other number, but five per drop would be just enough to get fans excited and have them aching for more.

Tory at the pool-tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 3
(Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix)

I'm still of the opinion that Netflix should, for their most anticipated shows, consider weekly drops.

Conversations stop within days of a release, which is a waste of what we old folks used to call water cooler talk.

Some shows take a long time to garner in-depth discussion, and when entire seasons or lumps of episodes drop, there's no time to cultivate those conversations.

Kreese in Prison -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 5

While Bridgerton is taking a one-month off approach (to keep subscribers for two months in a row), the second batch of Cobra Kai episodes will drop on November 28.

That's a significant chunk of time between drops.

When will the final episodes drop, then?

Anthony Joins In - Cobra Kai
(Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix)

Not until 2025. Ouch.

It would have been fun to conclude the story the year of its 40th anniversary, but they've decided not to take advantage of the round number.

Regardless, we're damned excited about bringing this story to a close. If it follows in the footsteps of the first five seasons, it will be jam-packed with excitement and surprising guest stars.

What more could a 40-year fan of any franchise want?

Check out the trailer now, and let us know what you hope Cobra Kai Season 6 accomplishes for its swan song!

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