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CSI: Vegas Season 3 Episode 1 Recap: The Reaper

Josh Folsom has been arrested in the murder of Kahn Schefter, the man responsible for the death of Josh's mother Jeannette.

Max tells Josh that Schefter's DNA was under Jeannette's fingernails but he already knew that.

A conflicted Beau, Penny, and Chris work the crime scene.

Trey uses a tow truck to steal the car of drug kingpin Rafael Tarquenio.

Allie questions Josh at the jail and suggests Trey is the killer.

Trey blows up Tarquenio's car to send a message.

As the team investigates the car, Max reminds Serena she shouldn't be anywhere near Josh's case.

The yogurt shop Trey crashed the car into is Tarquenio's stash house and lab, as Beau discovers.

M.E. Milton rules that Schefter didn't bleed to death. But he was tortured.

Chris discovers Penny's engagement ring.

Allie has Chris and Penny analyze the stains on Schefter's clothes to determine which ones came from where he was murdered.

Catherine and Beau search Tarquenio's home.

Tarquenio denies having anything to do with Schefter's death.

Serena pins Trey in an alley.

Trey turns himself in and says he killed Schefter. But Josh denies that, saying Trey stopped him from killing Schefter.

Their contradictory testimonies clear neither of them.

Tarquenio offers surveillance that shows Josh and Trey bringing Schefter in and out of the hanger while still alive.

Serena visits Josh in jail, trying to get through to him. He admits driving out to Red Rock.

Allie determines that capsaicin was injected into Schefter, which caused his stroke.

Allie also figures out that Jack is Penny's mystery suitor.

Catherine suspects Tarquenio's nephew Zack, a fan of hot peppers.

Alllie finds the chair where Schefter was killed.

Tarquenio says Zack left yesterday.

Folsom is released and Max is there to greet him.

She chastises him for his choices and says his job is at risk.

Josh sees Trey, who's likely to stay inside for a while, and thanks him for his help.

Tarquenio encourages Zack to turn himself in for Schefter's murder.

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