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Dark Matter (2024) Season 1 Episode 3 Recap: The Box

Amanda gets a late-night call detailing Jason1's violent recapture. Then she throws her phone.

Leighton ponders how to handle the tied-up Jason.

Jason1 wants to know if Leighton sent Dawn to Gabriela's apartment.

Leighton doesn't understand that he's working with a different Jason.

Jason2 is out to dinner with Jason1's Gabriela.

She senses there's something off about him.

Jason2 discovers that he and Gabriela are throwing a dinner party the next night.

Leighton tells Detective Mason about his grandfather, who founded Velocity Labs. She's on Jason's missing-persons case.

She questions him about Blair Caplan, who disappeared about six months before Jason did.

Mason informs him that Jason checked into the hospital three nights prior but left before she arrived and then was seen at Gabriela's art show later that night.

She asks to question Amanda, who then covers for Velocity.

Jason2 disappeared while testing The Box and Leighton can't understand how he returned.

They think Jason1 has some kind of brain damage which is why he can't remember.

Jason1 shouts to them to help him remember.

Leighton frees him from his restaints.

He decides to show The Box to Jason1.

Seeing it, Jason1 recited the problems which stopped him and that Jason1 eventually solved.

Jason1 finds out that three others used The Box but didn't return.

Leighton shows him a recording of him climbing out of The Box.

Jason2 takes Charlie skateboard shopping and attempts to get him to come to the dinner party. Charlie refuses.

Jason2 figures out that the missing Blair landed in this dimension.

Jason1 is pouring through Jason2's research.

He makes Amanda walk him through the day Jason2 disappeared.

Jason1 starts to question whether the life he remembered before was from brain damage and that he belongs in this dimension.

But Amanda realizes he might be another Jason.

Thanks to his social-media research, host Jason2 is holding his own at their party.

Thanks to Ryan2, Leighton now knows that Jason1 is an imposter. Jason1 attacks him before security subdues him.

Dawn beats Jason1 to try to find out where Jason2 is.

Leighton inisists Jason1 explain to him how The Box works.

After the guests leave, Gabriela puts on music and they dance. 

Jason1 tells Ryan2 that Velocity killed Gabriela.

Just as Jason1 and Ryan2 are starting to put the pieces together, Leighton hauls Ryan2 away.

Jason2 attempts to explain away the way he's been acting by telling Gabriela that he almost got run down after Ryan's party.

Amanda grabs Jason1 from the room where he was being held. She indicates that Ryan is dead.

Leighton stumbles onto their escape as they're getting onto an elevator.

Jason's voice print gets them into the Box room and they hide in The Box from Dawn and security.

Amanda injects Ryan2's drug into them and they leap.

They wake up inside a labyrinth.

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