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Days of Our Lives Round Table: Nicole is Pregnant! Who’s the Daddy?

Nicole is pregnant! But is the daddy Eric or EJ?

Our TV Fanatics, Jack and Christine, are joined by Andyroo from MyHourglass, a Days of Our Lives fan forum, to debate whether Nicole will carry to term, if Chloe should have dumped Brady, and is Colin intriguing or skeevy.

And what was the lamest storyline of the week? See which ones our round table chose…

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Nicole is pregnant! After a miscarriage and a stillbirth, do you think Nicole will carry this pregnancy successfully? And if so, who do you hope is the father?

Andyroo: I think the "who's the daddy" factor means Nicole will, in fact, carry to term this time, so they can drag out that question and the ensuing drama for a good long while.

Nicole's Surprising News - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

I think it's more interesting if EJ is the father and another obstacle for Nicole and Eric. But I could see Nicole doctoring the paternity results herself to influence a reunion with Eric and then eventually losing him again when the truth comes out.

Jack: Nicole has been told that she can't carry to term, which means that this time she will. I'd be happy for her if the story wasn't so ridiculous.

There is no way the baby could realistically be Eric's when in Salem time. I think it's only been a day or two since the biscuit incident. But I'm sure the writers will make it that way because they are determined to put Eric and Nicole back together.

Christine: I can't tell you how much I don't want to go through another of Nicole's pregnancies. The first miscarriage was heartbreaking. The stillbirth after that was just plain cruel.

Nicole Keeps a Secret - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

That said, I do hope she has the baby and that it's EJ's. Eric and Nicole are the most morose, depressing couple when they're together. They always end up making one another miserable.

And to have their baby conceived through one-off drugged biscuit sex is really lame. And the timeline is ridiculous, even for Days.

Was Chloe right to officially call things off with Brady? Do you hope this is indeed the end of Brady and Chloe?

Andyroo: I don't blame Chloe for stepping away in this situation. It's hard enough stepping into the role of a stepparent, even when the child hasn't been influenced by her mother to hate you.

Brady needs to get his house in order with his child before he can bring another woman into the picture. I doubt this is the end forever, but I'm happy to see Brady and Chloe split for now.

Brady Feels Threatened By Xander and Chloe - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

Jack: If Brady is going to continue to let his spoiled brat of a daughter control his relationships, then Chloe needs to end it permanently. She deserves to be with someone who will honor their relationship and get away from the Kristen drama.

I'd honestly like for them to stop recycling Chloe through her exes. She tried again with Lucas, Philip, and now Brady. How about somebody she hasn't dated and divorced before?

Christine: Chloe was absolutely right! She and Brady are on this hamster wheel when it comes to Kristen's interference and Rachel hating Chloe. Chloe doesn't want to live with that kind of stress, so her only choice right now is to move on.

And I agree, it would be nice to see Chloe paired with someone new. I don't want that someone to be Xander, as I like their growing friendship, but Chloe does need a new romance where she can have some fun.

Kate is Held Captive - Days of Our LIves
(Peacock (Screenshot))

Steve, Chad, and Harris Michaels are staying in Greece to search for Kate. Is this the trio you want to see going on this adventure?

Andyroo: This would have been the perfect opportunity to give Roman something to do! It should be him and Chad together, and why not bring Billie back into the picture to help?

At any rate, I'm glad we know Kate is alive, and the callbacks to her character's introduction have been amusing. I hope her kidnapper is someone interesting and not a letdown.

Jack: I'd have preferred Steve and John to Steve and Chad, but since Marlena is home, it's not logical for John to stay behind.

A Guilt-Filled Harris - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

I may be in the minority, but I don't hate Harris. However, I want to stop hearing about how it's "his fault Bo got shot." It was stupid that he waited 24 hours before sending Hope to the villa, but he didn't put a gun in Shawn's hand.

Besides, we all know if he'd told Hope the truth, she'd run off to try to get through to Bo, and it likely would have ended up exactly the same.

Christine: No! Roman should be searching for his wife. Maybe have Shawn involved in looking for his sister, Chelsea's grandma. As Chad looks upon Kate as a surrogate Mom, I get why he's there, although he should get back to his kids. And Steve is always up for more adventure.

Instead, they shoved Harris Michaels into this story, and as much as I despise it, it's clear we're not getting rid of him any time soon. We've already wasted too much air time on this boring, robotic, emotionally stunted character. Why they insist on wasting more is beyond me.

Shawn Needs Help - Days of Our Lives
(NBC / Days of Our Lives)

Should Belle have taken EJ up on his offer and flown to Greece to be with Shawn?

Andyroo: If I were Belle, I would have jumped at the chance to go be with Shawn during this difficult time. After everything they've been through the past couple of years, she should be there to support him now.

If work is her only excuse, she sure didn't have a problem rescheduling to go help EJ out. I wonder if this will create another wedge between Belle and Shawn.

Jack: Absolutely! It makes no sense for her to stay in Salem during this highly emotional time for Shawn.

Everyone else in Salem disappears to other parts of the world without having to worry about their job, so while it's nice that someone actually is trying to be responsible, there were ways around her job obligations.

Shawn Has News for Julie - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock / Days of Our Lives)

She could have asked the judge for a continuance or brought another lawyer in and up to speed on whatever case she was working on.

Christine: Yes! EJ offered not only a means to get there but all of the ways she could handle her clients. That Belle insists on staying in Salem when Shawn is going through something like this doesn't make sense.

After drugging the biscuits and helping to trash Paulina's office, Talia will now date Chanel to help Colin. Does this make any sense? And do you find this storyline entertaining, intriguing, or just skeevy?

Andyroo: Skeevy all around. It doesn't make sense that Talia (who seemingly has some semblance of conscience) would go along with this just to appease her boyfriend. It would be more believable if he was holding something over her to blackmail her into helping him.

I just don't get why she's risking everything over something that isn't even her vendetta, especially when her sister is the one investigating all of this. So dumb.

Talia's Secret Meeting - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

Jack: Colin is skeevy, and I want him gone sooner rather than later. I only hope that the writers make it clear that he is manipulating and abusing Talia. That doesn't absolve her of her part in this mess, but it's the only way it makes any sense.

I also think Talia will fall for Chanel for real., and that part of the story could be interesting.

Christine: It's both intriguing and skeevy. Colin is quite the manipulator, but I'd love to know the psychological reasons that have Talia, an otherwise intelligent person, willing to do all of this for him, including walking away from her medical career!

I don't trust that Days will do that part of the story justice, but for now, I'm hoping we get some of those answers.

Closing in on Talia - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

What was the lamest story or scene of the week?

Andyroo: Harris is lame and a waste of screen time. He should have stayed behind in Beyond Salem or been limited to a brief prison cameo.

It was also frustrating to watch Jada basically figure everything out about Talia and listen to Rafe talk to her like she's crazy for connecting the dots.

And finally, everything with Talia and Colin has been pretty lame so far, including what looked like Talia experiencing some surprise attraction to Chanel as they met for their date.

Leo Has Questions - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

Jack: Did I mention how tired I am of Steve accusing Harris of causing Bo's injuries?

The Nicole pregnancy scenes weren't bad, but I was disappointed because I think a story about Nicole going through early menopause would be more interesting and original than yet another miracle pregnancy and who's the daddy story.

Also, I could have done without half an hour of Alex telling Stephanie how he doesn't expect her to forgive him because he's been to therapy. He was wasting time when he was supposed to be on his way to his session, and I'd have liked him to get going already.

Christine: Having to hear about Stephanie going up against Seth Burns off-screen was seriously lame.

And Gwen was actually trying to be nice to Brady (even though I don't think she realized he has addiction issues), and he couldn't even pretend to be sympathetic. He doesn't have to like Xander to understand that Gwen has feelings for him and is hurting. Why is it that Brady comes off like an arrogant ass more often than not?

Nicole and EJ's New Plan - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline in Salem this week?

Andyroo: Hands down, the funniest line this week was Gabi saying at least one employee would rather work for the dad from "Succession" than EJ. Honestly, EJ could probably learn a thing or two from Logan Roy.

I also enjoyed the Paulina/Chanel scene. It was a sweet mother/daughter moment, and it made me laugh when Paulina brought up Chanel's history of moving fast with Xander, Johnny, and Allie.

Jack: I enjoyed Paulina and Chanel's conversation as Chanel prepared for her date with Talia. They both made good points, and the conversation flowed so naturally.

Appealing to Gabi's Ambition - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

Christine: There were some really good Days of Our Lives quotes this week!

There was Gabi's reaction to hearing Kate was alive…

Gabi [about Kate]: More lives than a litter of cats. Sharper claws too.

🔗 permalink: More lives than a litter of cats. Sharper claws too.

And Leo trying to find out who Chanel is dating…

Leo: Male, female, Cis, trans, nonbinary, third gender? Any combo thereof?

Chanel: Wouldn’t you like to know?

🔗 permalink: Any combo thereof?

Leo Overhears Chloe - Days of Our Lives
(Peacock (Screenshot))

But I really loved Leo and Gwen bonding over their lack of love lives. These two are really good friends, and I enjoy all of their scenes together.

Now it's your turn, Days fans. Who do you want to be the father of Nicole's baby? Was Chloe right to dump Brady? And should Harris Michaels head to Salem or to places unknown?

Hit that SHOW COMMENTS BUTTON below to tell us what you think. Then check out Jack Ori's Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

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