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“Drowning On Dry Land” Recap, Quotes, Gallery, Music Guide & More

Last night, Grey’s Anatomy threated us to a thrilling encore presentation of the memorable “Drowning On Dry Land.” The intense hour kept us on the edge of our seats throughout – and we’d seen it months ago!

To learn what music was played – and when – last night, check out our complete song listing.

For even more information, follow this link for the lyrics to this episode’s primary music selections.There’s also our images from “Drowning On Dry Land” in our gallery, and our list of quotes is underway, with many more to come.

For a full rundown of the action, you can read our episode guide, and, as always, you can discuss “Drowning On Dry Land” – and all things Grey’s – in our forums.

Share your thoughts with other Grey’s Anatomy fans and hear what they have to say about this great episode and events of the day.

Next Thursday, July 26, the encore presentation of this Season 3 three-part story arc concludes with “Some Kind of Miracle.” If somehow you missed it the first time, the title pretty much gives away what happens!

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