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Dynasty Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Company Slut

Critic's Rating: 3.3 / 5.0

The claws are out, and they are sharper than ever on Dynasty Season 1 Episode 5

Fallon and Cristal cannot seem to let this feud between them go. At this point, it seems like Fallon is continuously egging on this beef as payback for Cristal getting the COO position instead of her. 

Fallon's Blazer - Dynasty Season 1 Episode 5
(The CW)

I can understand the mean girl antics to some extent. After all, it must be a low blow to see the woman your father is marrying take what you've worked so hard to earn. But at what point do you just give up?

She's already leaked Cristal's sex-tape with Matthew, which slandered her name before she could even prove that she's worthy of the position. 

Fallon is investing so much time into bringing her step-mother down; time she could be using to successfully launch her company with Colby. Truthfully, I feel bad for the guy because he really seems to want to make this business work, even landing her a spot on the "Women in Business" list.

Fallon may have won the Woman of the Year title, only because she'd threatened the Editor-in-Chief's position, and then still managed to mess up by leaving him out of the 'thank you' speech.

That's one thing I truly despise; mean girls getting ahead because they play a mean game and walk all over everyone. 

Fallon is privileged, that's no secret. She comes from a family of wealth, so her victory speech about how "nothing was handed to her" even made her father chuckle. We all know that's a lie. But it's not a crime to seize your opportunity, even if your opportunity is being born into riches. 

Fallon: Oh, I don’t believe in luck. I believe in opportunity. And this one is one I had no intention of letting slip by.

🔗 permalink: Oh, I don’t believe in luck. I believe in opportunity. And this one is one I had no intention…

However, it only takes roughly five episodes for everyone to see Fallon's true colors. 

Steven used the word "myopic" about Sammy, but in reality, it applies to his sister. She only cares about herself and she doesn't care who she hurts int he process, as long as she gets what she wants. 

Dynasty Dom Shower Season 1 Episode 5
(The CW)

As Culhane pointed out, she's not sorry for what she's done; she's sorry she got caught. The only reason she even came to apologize to him is that daddy dearest kicked her out.

If she were still feeling "secure," she would have continued waiting for him to say sorry for sleeping with the enemy. I don't think he feels guilty about at all. 

Cristal got a lot of heat for accelerating in the company because she was sleeping with the boss, which didn't just make her look bad, it made her gender look bad. 

There was a measly attempt at feminism and Cristal called out another woman for being a backstabber when in reality, she probably just wanted what's best for the company. 

Still, Cristal does have plenty of assets and stands up for herself in the face of adversity, which proves that she won't be broken easily. It's an admirable quality to have, especially in this family. 

Cristal: It’s a big company, people talk. And women will never break through the glass ceiling if they’re always looking for a shard to stab each other with.

🔗 permalink: It’s a big company, people talk. And women will never break through the glass ceiling if…

Blake has lied about many things and kept many secrets from her, but it seems like she was truthful when he told her that he didn't believe Fallon was ready to take on the role. It's one thing to go above and beyond for a company; it's another to sabotage people.

That in itself proves Fallon isn't at a maturity level to handle the responsibilities. 

And if he had given it to her, it would just be another thing handed to her, which would make her even more ungrateful. 

So really, I applaud everyone – Blake, Cristal, and Culhane — for giving Fallon a dose of reality. Sometimes it's needed.

Claudia Hates Cristal - Dynasty Season 1 Episode 5
(The CW)

And I applaud Cristal for proving she's the bigger person by not actually ratting out what Fallon did to Blake. 

I wish the series would put this storyline with Claudia to bed. One of the better moments came with Cristal's self-awareness that despite her best intentions, she's a liar and a cheater. But was it really necessary for her to go and confront the lover scorned, especially since we know she's disturbed?

Cristal pretends to be the good and "pure" one yet her whole apology was about making herself feel better, not apologizing for the act of sleeping with a married man. She doesn't feel bad for that – she loved Matthew. And she owns up to all of it.

And then there was that weak cliffhanger! Seriously, who didn't see Blake hitting Claudia from a mile away? Was he really going that fast? Would he not have seen them? Why can't they just shake this family for good? 

I can't say I'm excited to see Cristal and Blake deal with Claudia's accident or have her move in with them. That is unless, in some soapy-twist, Matthew happens to be alive, which there's a strong possibility that he is. 

First Day as COO - Dynasty Season 1 Episode 5
(Erika Doss/The CW)

Can you imagine if he just showed up at their door? Surprise – still alive! 

Anders finally got some action when it was revealed that he was the one that put the plan involving Steven's ex-lover Ted into motion. 

While his motives are unclear, it was a surprising twist coming on the heels of what I thought was a genuine moment between the two Jos. 

Never underestimate the butler! 

Even though I can understand Sammy's desire to stick around because who wouldn't want free massages and butler-service while watching Aladdin, I cannot understand why he's been mistreating Steven.

If someone welcomes you into their home, you don't take advantage of them repeatedly. Let that be a lesson.

You can watch Dynasty online and comment me your thoughts below! 

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