Two people have died — Orlando and a woman whose library card said her name was Chantal something.
Brandy briefs Regina and Suarez. Regina is angry that Brandy told Thora that Tyson could stay a few days. Suarez and Regina talk privately and say that Regina didn't supervise enough. This may be the end of all their careers.
The next morning, Regina briefs the cops. She wants them to all be careful and to search for Tyson.
Killian talks to the victims. Ingrid doesn't recognize any of the mug shots. Another guy IDs Tyson.
Thora talks to Morales and says Tyson was reformed and staying away from trouble. Killian takes over asking the same questions. Suarez asks Morales in Sapnish and she believves THora. Also he wants her to meet his contact at Special Victims.
Some higher-ups bother Regina about how her "ridiculous" ideas led to a shooting. She kicks them out.
Mroales goes up a freight eleator to meet an Agent DeSantos. He says he is not here to talk about Special Victims. He wants to talk to her about Killian and his work with Azeroff. Mroales knows nothing about this. She says he is hardworking and she doesn't know him to have anything illegal. They want her to keep it to herself that they had this conversation.
Suarez stops by to see Regina. He says Donaldson told him he met with her. Regina says Donaldson is interfering and someone nees to set him straight. Suarez says no one will and Regina should do what Donaldson wants to kepe her job. Regina is sick of all these politicians.
Brandy is packing as she is being forced to move. DUke and her mother show up. Her mother blabbers on about how great it is for her to live her in a safer place. Sandeford interrupts. Ms. Alberta aaw something. Ms. Alberta says she saw the boys hiding a gun in the laundry room.
Sandeford helps them break in and they find the gun.
The parole officer says Tyson had no place to live or a job, which he was required to have but his supervisors ignored it. He finds an address that Tyson may be staying with him.
The cops come in with guns drawn and arrest Tyson and the woman who owns the house.
Suarez doesn't agree with Donaldson and Sharpe that they should get rid of Regina. Donaldoson has all sorts of reasons. Sharpe insists they get rid of Regina.
The cops question Tyson who claims he was looking for places to live. He claims he has learned to not be consumed by what others think of him and it's up to Allah. Regina believes him but says a jury won't.
Bentley and Quinlan got security footage showing the shooter.
Lorenzo wants to take care of the shooter himself. Sandeford convinces him not to and he eventually tells them a name.
The cops arrests Latrell. Meanwhile Winston tells Quinlan that the shooting had nothing to do with Tyson Orlando stopped doing business at the projects once the cops moved and instead took over a lot of turf.
Latrelle says Dwayne wanted to kill Orlando for taking too big a cut. Duane has been released from hospital.
The cops raid the projects trying to get Duane. Duane shoots at a cop and runs away. He points his gun at Bentley who shoots him.
Regina finds the brass in her office. She points out that the homicide had nothing to do with the cops who lived there.
Sharpe tries to oonvince Regina to go into administrative work. Regina is not interested. They say she's too divisive. Donaldoson gets angry and threatens to strip her of her command. Sharpe asks Suarez to say what he thinks. Suarez says she should continue where she is. Another chief shows up and says he looked into the situation and that what Regina is doing is working. Suarez agrees. He asks if Regina can work with the other precincts to help get the other precincts to adopt her programs and wants a plan by the end of the week.
Quinlan comes home and says there is a change of plans — they want her to stay here. Duke wants to know what changed. Brandy explains. Duke says if it's a career move he understands. Ann-Marie doesn't understand how Brandy can sleep at night here. Brandy is grateful to be able to put the shooter away and she would like her mother to be proud of her. Ann Marie tells her to be careful.
Killian has cologne that Azeroff's girlfriend gave him. Morales takes him aside and tells him about the Feds (that she wasn't supposed to tell him). She says all she knows is DOJ is trying to put a case against Azeroff. She should have told him first thing.
Auarez comes to see Regina. He wishes he could have spared her Donaldson's nonsense. Sharpe comes along and says Suarez is no longer in the running and he's going to make Donaldson commissioner and will get rid of the people who support Regina. He storms off and Suarez wants to keep doing what they're doing.
Killian meets Azeroff and some RUssians.
Suarez goes into Goody's where Bentley already is drinking. Quinlan comes in. Morales tells Sandeford that her son still talks about Sandeford showing up. Snadeford talks to Goody about his wedding. Quinland checks on Bentley who asks what she is doing later.
Killian shows up and asks why Morales why she didn't pick up. She says she was busy. He didn't want to get on a plane when she was mad at him. Yenko wants to put the tables together. They convince Regina to come join them. Regina makes a toast to the cops and the work they did today. They didn't quit and did what they had to do.
Tenko wants to make a toast too. Eveyrone wants to run away. He says he used to love this job but then he stopped. But after he started working for Regina he started loving it.