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Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 4 Recap: Love Knocked Off

Opening in a beautifully decorated kitchen, we meet Margot, played by Retta (Parks and Recreations, Good girls), a matchmaker to Lainey, a socialite with the charm and charisma of a bull shark.

Lainey is beyond cross with Margo at her inability to find a match and is threatening to discredit her as any normal person does when they don't immediately get what they want.

By chance of ill-fated luck, Margo finds a willing conman in Gabriel to fool Lainey into thinking she's found her perfect match.

Cut to over a year later, and Margo is set to put the final steps in her plan into motion by having Gabriel follow through with a divorce.

Unfortunately for her, Gabriel has come to love Lainey and wants to move forward by telling her the truth about everything.

With barely a hesitation and not even a brief indication of guilt, Margo kills and disposes of Gabriel.

As expected, the cops become involved in Gabriel's disappearance, and it doesn't take much more than that for Elsbeth to find herself amid another murder as well as the Hamptons.

While Margo has a vision for antiques and luxury living, she lacks an eye for evidentiary detail to cover her tracks, leaving Elsbeth to make quick work of the case before Margo finds herself in handcuffs.

Before the episode closes out, the audience is treated to a brief blink-and-you-miss-it moment when Captain Wagner realizes Elsbeth might be in New York to investigate more than he was led to believe.

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