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Empire Season 6 Episode 18 Recap: Home Is On The Way

Cookie and Lucious go to the board and get Kelly and Giselle ousted for good. 

They rush back to New York and are determined to move on. 

Lucious tells Cookie about the letters and that he wanted to make her be stronger in prison without him. 

Cookie has a tear in her eye, and struggles to make sense of it all. 

In a surprising scene, she says goodbye to him, but he says he is not leaving with Yana. 

Yana is upset and switches up the song list, and says goodbye to Lucious. 

Damon arrives and pulls out a gun and shoots — killing his daughter instead of Lucious. 

In the aftermath, Damon tries to kill Lucious, but Lucious whacks him over the head with his prosthetic leg. 

Cookie realizes she loves Lucious and rushes to the home. 

In the aftermath, the family meets up for the movie premiere and scenes from the past play out. 

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