Stewie and Brian in an old mystery movie. Stewie is Sherlock Holmes and Brian is Watson.
They are going to go to America but catch the culprit. Sherlock tells the Queen that he's going to retire. Watson tries to talk him out of it.
Watson is going to get married. Constance (Lois) comes to visit Watson and Sherlock. Sherlock gets a message to solve a murder. They're off.
Peter comes on screen and tells the audience FG will return to normal next week.
Sherlock gets a Scottish Peter out of jail because he didn't kill the woman he is investigating the murder of.
He's looking for The Scottish Brute. Then he finds a clue — 3 red hairs that belong to a woman. Who wants to make a bet that Constance is the Scottish Brute.
And guess what?! It is!
Sherlock breaks the bad news to Watson. He's not convinced but then realizes it's true. he also finds out that Constance had gonorrhea.
Watson figures out where Constance is going – Paris, so they head there.They arrive in London and find Constance. They start chasing her. She falls off Eiffel Tower while leaving a clue for Sherlock about who made her do what she did. Watson is heartbroken by her death.
It turns out that Peter was the real Scottish killer when he tries to kill the Queen.
Sherlock recounts how he came to figure out the mystery.