Peter doesn't want to go to Chris' choir concert. He's still in his possession. He's laying on the couch when they come home. He hasn't moved all weekend and the couch is full of food and is a mess.
Quagmire knocks on the picture window with the other guys but he can't get up. He's stuck to the couch. He's at the hospital and Hartman shows him a video about being fused to a couch. He doesn't want Hartman to rip the couch off him so he keeps the couch fused to him.
Lois tells the kids she's going to cut the couch off Peter himself. They start cutting it away but Peter wakes up and starts freaking out.
Peter gets stuck in a doorway and Chris tries helping him get through the doorway like if you were actually moving the couch through doors. He still can't get through so Chris gives him a strong push and Peter ends up falling down the stairs.
He is unconscious in the hospital. Lois is worried. Meanwhile, in his coma, Peter is visited by God.
God tells Peter he's in the elevator because a couple of angels came forward but doesn't get too deep. They're both stuck in the elevator and Peter asks a bunch of questions.
Peter figures out he's dead and he's on the stuck elevator because God hasn't decided where to take Peter – heaven, hell, or the mezzanine.
Peter begs God for a second chance and God agrees to put Peter back on earth for one day to prove his family would be better off with him alive. He goes back before he got into the coma.
Peter brings home a feral pregnant cat and gets scratched up. Then they go to Fuddruckers. He's trying to make it seem like what he's doing is making the family better. Peter gives a definition about what Fuddruckers is supposed to be.
Peter is driving home and Chris asks him a question and Peter yells that he hates his family so much and is terrorized by God who keeps appearing. The family gets out of the car and Peter tells everyone why he loves them as if he's not going to be around anymore. Lois is weirded out but Peter stays outside waiting for God who ends up showing up in the car.
Peter admits that God was right about everything and God snaps his fingers and lets Peter live. he tells Peter religion is not about being good or bad but about blind subservience to an imaginary being.
Peter is sitting around with the family and tells them how much he loves them and how the "man upstairs" helped change him.