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Family Law Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Three’s Company

Bailey hired Abby and Daniel to represent him. He was in a polyamorous relationship with Crystal Steele and her husband. Crystal only believes in traditional marriage.

The Steeles offered Bailey 50 K, but he had to say he was only their tenant. Bailey refused to sign the Steele's offer.

Abby had Nina tell off Crystal after Crystal made fun of Jerri. Crystal declared war.

Abby thinks things will blow over, but then a stink bomb exploded at the office.

Abby and Danielle's personal info was leaked, and a strange man showed up while Sofia was home alone. Frank and the kids moved into Abby's mom with her.

Frank sees some of the threatening texts Abby got.

Everyone is on edge at the office though they're all worried about Abby and the kids.

Bailey's art studio was vandalized. He shows them a painting of him and Gavin and explains their relationship and that Gavin took photos of them.

Abby and Daniel learn that Gavin likes younger men, but the witness is afraid to come forward.

Abby and Frank have sex after discussing the case.

Abby thinks Crystal knows her husband is gay.

They drop the lawsuit but drop hints that Bailey is suffering.

Jerri stands up to Crystal.

Gavin approaches Jerri and Abby at night.

Gavin produced the photos of him and Bailey. Crystal is mad that Bailey took her husband and still wants money. Abby warns her the truth is coming out.

Crystal and Harry go on record that the lawyers didn't lie and that Gavin is gay.

Harry is repping Crystal in her divorce. He picked Abby to help him since she can be ruthless.

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