We get things from Alex's perspective, exploring how the affair first started from her view.
She feels out of sorts working there at the office. But she's good at speaking with the victims and relating to them in a meaningful way.
She had struck up something with a bailiff and was bringing him food and such, but must've overstepped her boundaries becuase he tells her to stop.
She sees that he gave her fritter to the court reporter when she goes in to fill in for Cochita on the case that puts her in Dan's path.
Alex is moved and emotional over what he had to say to the victims and she's instantly smitten by him afterward.
She talks to her therapist of hers about how she's adjusting to life there and searching for a new therapist. She hasn't found someone next and her therapist is upset about it.
She takes a moment to ground herself after the call.
Alex overhears that Dan didn't get the appointment and that's when she heads to the cookie area to engage with Dan
When she sees drunken Dan later at his car before he heads back into the office, she goes after him.
Alex tries to return something to one of her neighbors who she had something with but he's been avoiding her and she confronts him about it and not being friends with her anymore.
Alex shows up at the restaurant Dan frequents and stays for a long time hoping he'll show up. She's disappointed when he doesn't.
Her neighbor has a bunny that keeps trying to get out. Her ex sends her a box with things that belonged to her and she calls him and they argue.
Her delivery person brings the food that she got that's something the neighbor Paul always liked and when she sees that Paul may be eavesdropping, she brings a sandwich to Paul
In the present Ellen brings Dan to anew apartment as they continue to bond with each other as he figures out housing.
She brings up Arthur, which bothers him, and he inquires if she and Arthur get along and asks what she calls him. He opens up to her about his feelings and getting out.
Alex is the one who orchestrated the fire that caused the sprinklers to go off at the bar so she could get out of there with Dan after fixating on his wedding band constantly.
Alex gets advice that tells her that Dan is leaving a door open for her and wants her, so she's thrilled about that.
She sneaks pictures of her and Dan hanging out with Quincy on the beach.
She starts harming herself in small ways because she knows Dan is married and has a whole other life. INcluding burning herself and using a weight to beat on herself.
When Alex gets home, Dr. Paul, her neighbor has left on a whim.
When she realizes that Dan's entire case requires the victim to make an ID, she takes that in mind
She fakes taking pills after her argument with Dan.
Alice shows up at Dan's job in the conference room to apologize to him for what she did and his discretion. She asks if they can still hang out and he says he doesn't thnk that would work. But when she goes to shake his hand goodbye he hugs her.
IN the peresent, Beth shows up to meet Dan for the first time. But she has to make it quick.
He wanted to talk about Ellen and him wanting to clear his name.
He has a hard time with how Beth just compltely believed him he said that he needed to be left alone completely.
Alex reaches out to Dan when she hasn't seen him at the restaurant. And she threatens him.
Dan gets a call that the vicim in his case remained brain dead the whole time so Alex lied about it. He calls her but she doesn't answer.
It's becaue she showed up at his open house for his home. She's talking to his wife.
Mike takes Dan to see Earl in the present to talk about the case and how he handled it. He slams the door in his face.
Ellen talks to Beth and Arthur about Dan and his feelings and Arthur is sympathetic to Dan when tne wonder if maybe they should've tried harder to stay in touch more or if he changed his mind about distane.
Dan in the past confronts Alex. He threatens to ruin her career.
Mike invites Dan to stay with his mother.
Mike gets alerts about finding prints outside of his own connected to the case and the prints go back to Paul. The neighbor that Alex had issues with before Dan.
Ellen goes out and has a good time with friends.
Dan comes out from work and there's acid all over his car.