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Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 4 Recap: Beautiful Mosiacs

Ellen talks to her therapist about the affair and how her mother was different after it. She says she and her mother talked about it and what it was like for her mother at that time.

In the past, Beth sees that the dog pooped out an earring. She gets a phone call from Dan saying that he has to work late because Frank didn't show, and Arthur, who she is working with, gets a phone call about his wife, who is battling cancer.

Beth starts to have her suspicions of something with how Dan has been behaving, laundry hints, and how he's reacting to his phone constantly going off.

Dan settles a dispute about a serial case against elder women, but he allows Major Crimes to continue with the case rather than a specialized unit for it.

We see from her perspective, Alex when she comes to the house opening.

Alex pieces together all these bits to confirm that Alex is the woman that Dan is having an affair with as she ponders on all of this.

Arthur picks up that something is wrong with Beth. He tries to get her to talk about it, and then when she doesn't, he tells her about Julia's cancer being an untreatable sort that makes him feel helpless.

Mike gives Dan a video of Alex throwing acid on Dan's car and goes off on him about this affair. Dan confides in him and asks for advice. He wants Dan to ignore Alex and not give her the response that she's looking for.

In present, Dan is getting ready for a job interview as a paralegal and having his doubts that he'll get anything.

Ellen talks to her professor about Jung and her project and also confides in him about pending time with Dan.

Dan reaches out to Frank for a job. But Frank brings up what Dan said about Frank when Frank was trying him. He's petty and doesn't give him a job.

Mike was there to pick Dan up so they can keep investigating Alex. They're headed to speak to the superintendent at the building who remembers Alex and her relationship with the doctor, Paul.

Beth and Ellen catch up on each other's day, and Ellen  brings up how she's been feeling and memories and stuff she has since Dan got  out.

They talk to Paul in prison to get information about whether or not he kept in contact with Alex or if he was still around when she was killed. He describes how Alex was great at first, but then he realized that she forced herself to be exactly like him or like everything that he likes.

Dan gets called intio an office to meet with someone and bumps into Jorge who he used to work with. Jorge tells him that he has the job as a paralegal. Jorge is grateful that Dan seemed to get out of his way and back him

But in flashbacks it seems that Earl was the one who proved that Jorge was capable of something and that Dan should have let him lead on a case.

Mike goes to talk to Earl.

In the past, Beth leaves her mother at the house to pick up Ellen while she runs errands with her father. But the door is open.

When Beth gets home, her mother didn't get Ellen at the bust stop, the door is open, back gate is open, and there's a wine glass on the table. She thinks the dog is the one in the pool that's opened, but when she diives it, she sees that it's her mother trapped underneath. The dog comes back.

Beth thinks her mother got too drunk and messed evertything up but Dan still feels it's suspicious that the gate was closed. He thinks Alex was there and tells Mike about it.

In the present, Dan meets with Conchita. She was on his side at first but when she heard his defense, she lost respect for him blaming the victim

She mentions that she got a complaintn about Alex before she died from a court officer. She tells him that she held the information back because he was blaming the victim but gives him the name of the bailiff who filed the unofficial complaint.

In the past, Mike has a chat with Alex.

Dan tells Beth about the affair.

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