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Fatal Attraction Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Best Friends

Dan tells Beth what it's looking like with him going to trial. He asks her not to say anything about the affair because he doesn't want to risk people not liking him.

He doesn't want Beth on the stand because they'll ask her abou tthe affair, and she's not a convincing liar.

Alex is upset that she doesn't get and maintain her father's attention when they're out playing min-golf together and he spends more time flirting with a woman who isn't his wife and her mother.

Alex's father treated her like his best friend and they had all the fun and she'd cover for him. While her mother resented the close relationship and that they used to leavfe her out of things and gang up on her.

Alex gets kicked out of her law school group beause of how she comes off to everyone.

Dan prepares for his trial and helps his defense attorney with the opening statement and also knows the angle of the prosecution argument which implies that he used his privilege for everything.

After her situation in law school and her father talking about another trip he has planned with some woman, Alex starts hurting herself. She goes to an intern in psychology.

Stan, Ale'x father is going to testify.

Stan also didn't have a great reactioni to Alex when she says that she's not doing law school anymore and working at the victim advocacy program.

Ini the trial they state that they found a body in the marina and the cause of death was blood force trauma and ten of 24 prints they found at the home belonged to him.

Daniel gives Ellen all the information and things he has to have them look over his case to prove his innocence and he tells her that the reason they didn't look at any iof it before was because he lied initally abou the affair.

Alex gets back into contact with her father and they continue this toxic relationship as she tells him about her relationship wtih Dan.

He shows the picture that she took of Dan and his dog on the beach while on stand.

He asks Beth to put Ellen on the stand. She admits that she met Alex and she was the one who took her. They went to a park and things.

They still find him guilty.

And the judge in the present won't reopen  his case because of all of his lying.

Dan tells Beth in the present that he didn't get his trial opened up again, and she telsl him she believed in him anyway.

We see a flashback to when she supposedly left to go to work after first learning of the affair, and she met with Alex one-on-one.

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