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FBI Season 6 Episode 13 Recap: Ring of Fire

A trucker stops for a motorcyclist lying in the road, who shoots him.

Maggie meets Jess's brother and Ella and his daughter have a playdate.

He invites Ella to spend the day with them.

The truck is Lucas Chandler.

Nothing was taken from the truck bound for a non-profit.

Lucas had gotten into a scuffle at work a few days earlier.

The other man was Steven Tucker, ex-military, who the team takes down after a short chase.

Tucker says Chandler was really Nick Ward, who he served with in Afghanistan.

Ward supposedly was dead after he went AWOL.

Tucker had an alibi for the time of Ward's death, drug counseling.

Ian discovers Ward only used the phone to call one number. 

Scola and TIffany track the phone's GPS to a blown-up car.

The driver of the car was Christine Collins. She had called Nick and a burner, now at a restaurant in Queens.

Scola and Tiffany tail Jack Wagner, who had met Christine recently at that restaurant.

Jack gets thje drop on Scola but Tiffany comes up behind him. Jack is CIA.

Jack tells Isobel and Jubal that Ward and Collins were his colleagues and six boxes of thermobaric grenades were stolen.

Ward and Collins had been working on stabilizing democracy in Africa.

Elise suggests tracking down the leak that led to the grenades being stolen.

Hobbs' portrait is being hung on a wall of honor.

Scola and Tiffany find Nicole Allen, from the grenade manufacturer, executed in her home.

Allen, a weapons designer, was opposed to the use of American weapons in foreign conflicts.

She was the leak leading to Ward's murder and the grenade threat.

Hakim, the Somalian terrorist, is seen on surveillance outside Allen's house.

The team is sitting outside their hideout with SWAT 20 minutes out. So they decide to breach the house.

There's automatic weapons bobbytrapped inside the home.

Tiffany confirms to Jubal that she's mentally fit to be in the field.

Kelly points out that it takes a specific kind of launcher to fire the grenades.

Maggie assigns Tiffany to stay  back and man the heat sensor. 

OA spies a tripwire before Maggie hits it. 

The two men inside separate. Scola grabs one and Maggie takes out a second man. 

But Hakim and Bashir are still at large.

The living man hints at an attack as a demonstration then lawyers up.

Jack says there's a function today being attended by members of the Somali government.

'Two grenades are launched causing a substantial number of injuries.

Scola kills Bashir after OA draws him out.

Hakim runs into a home pursued by Maggie and Tiffany. He starts walking toward her and she blows him away.

OA finds his gun in his waistband.

Tiffany visit Hobbs' widow to tell her Hakim is dead.

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