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Fear the Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: Iron Tiger

Madison is trying to get through to Victor about how imperative it is that they take down Troy Otto.

They meet with Luciana and have a heart-to-heart… until a car pulls up. Luciana doesn't want Madison anywhere near it, but when she gets there, it's … Charlie.

Madison is confused about why they're trying to hide Charlie from her and Luciana and Daniel have a talk about how she should have known.

Charlie tells Madison she killed Nick and Madison tries to kill her. There's something amiss and everyone tells Madison they believe in second chances and that Charlie got to fix things.

Madison learns that Alicia was the one to forgive first and then Madison says Charlie can repay her debt by going to Troy, sneaking in, and killing him.

This doesn't sit well with anyone but Charlie agrees to the mission, drives a tanker to his location, but Madison has a change of heart. On the walkie-talkie, she tells her to abort the mission, but Troy is already there.

He takes Charlie in and says that he wants the location of PADRE or he'll kill her.

The tanker explodes and zombies make their way in, and Madison and Daniel try to save the teenager from a likely death.

However, Charlie kills herself so that Troy can't use her as leverage.

Troy's daughter is missing and Madison tries to find her while fighting him. Troy leaves.

Daniel says he's also leaving because no matter what happens, Madison always causes something.

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