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Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Bulletproof

Hawk is in the diner and Maggie shows up, saying she has no idea what Tim saw in him because he doesn't look to special.

She tells him that she doesn't want him near her brother and that he should probably leave.

Hawk says that he traveled across the country and that he will not be doing that.

He goes to a bar, calls Lucy, and says his flight home is the next day, and he talks to a group of men, before leaving and winding up at Tim's.

Surprisingly, there's no argument, and Tim and Hawk talk, before his sister walks in and says she hopes he isn't staying for dinner.

Hawk stays for dinner.

Back in 1953, Hawk meets with his mom and asks about his uncle, but she reveals that his money is long gone because the IRS caught up with him.

She then tells him that his father would accept him back in his will if he apologized and said he aspired to have a family.

Hawk isn't interested initially but goes back to visit him and finds himself preparing to apologize, only to realize his father doesn't deserve it.

He leaves the house to his father screaming at him that he won't be getting any of his money.

Outside, his mother asks for a cigarette and he tells her he should have helped her leave him years ago.

She says that she stayed because she got the life she wanted through his father.

Hawk goes home, clearly struggling to process what's happened and visits Tim and calls him "home."

Unbeknownst to Hawk, Tim went to Mary's party and realized there were a group of people there.

He didn't know that Mary was sharing a one-bedroom apartment and is surprised how well they have it.

But it all comes crashing down when Mary finds out that Caroline has been reported and is being investigated.

Hawk tells Tim to write a letter breaking their relationship off and that it will take the heat off of them both.

Mary uses the letter and says Caroline tried to get in between her and Tim, even though that's lies.

Tim is blindsided by Hawk's candor and goes to see the priest to confess about sleeping with men.

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