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Fire Country Season 1 Episode 19 Recap: Watch Your Step

The DOC bus arrives with new inmate firefighters as Bode and the other guys do some physical activity. Among the new arrivals is Sleeper, an ex-roommate of Bode's from prison.

Jake and Cara play a game of pool. Gabriela arrives with Kyle, a friend of hers.

Eve joins Sharon and Vince for dinner and they talk about how she is doing.

Sleeper offers some guy a book. Bode watches. He warns Freddy about Sleeper.

Vince and Eve respond to a call at a wellness center about an allergic reaction. Vince is called to a section called coal walks, where he realizes that fire had been burning underground for a week making the whole ground a massive fire pit.

Bode finds the guy Sleeper gave the book puking. He seems high.

Both teams respond. Bode and Sleeper keep rubbing shoulders, especially after Freddy cozies up to Sleeper.

Eve reveals that she was diagnosed with PTSD.

Bode tries to keep Manny from discovering that someone is high.

The team saves a woman who steps on burning ground. Eve treats her burns.

Gabriela tells Bode she's uncomfortable with how casually she has begun to blur the lines between right and wrong.

Manny visits the woman who offered her a job. And they hook up.

Eve talks to Jake and apologizes for not standing up for him when he was accused of arson. She reveals her struggles with Rebecca's death.

They go through Rebecca's stuff and learn that she had been working on getting Freddy released.

Dreddy and Bode make up and decide to work to uncover the source of the drugs at the camp.

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