Special news report in Panama where four US soldiers were taken hostage. Reagan gives remarks.
They pull back on the moon to show how far away the US and Soviet camps are located.
The US gear has been relocated on the moon, which is concerning.
Regan wants the astronats to take the stolen plot back from the Soviets and to hold it.
If they have to hold it, then they have to have weapons on the moon. Ed agrees that armed marines might make sense. They all need to agree, though, because once they do it, there's no going back.
Tracy is late. Drinking beer in bed. Asking her housekeeper to lie to NASA about why.
Gordo couldn't struggle into his NASA blues, and he has no idea how to use a laptop. This is going to be rough.
Karen and Kelly are going over school visits when Kelly asks about Annapolis.
Karen is shocked, even dismayed when Kelly announces she wants to fly Tomcats.
Margo finds Aleida in a compromising position in a trailer. She was an engineering candidate, but she had a bad attitude problem.
Margo offers her a job as system engineer, assuring her that it's not pity. She needs engineers. Whether Aleida shows up is up to her.
Ed and Bradford talk about how the Soviets know where their sites are, with Bradford suggesting Ed was taken advantage of with his hospitality on Jamestown.
Karen and Tracy reconnect, their kids and their shared aspirations the topic of discussion. Tracy doesn't like Danny at Annapolis any more than Karen, but it's not her life to live.
Tracy returns Gordo's call from the side of the road. She was in an accident after seeing her face blown up on a billboard.
She wants him to come get her, and he does.
Tracy says Sam has a bit of a temper. You really have to push him, but he's not like Gordo, really easy. She wants him to take her to their old place instead of home, and she proceeds to vomit on the floor of his car.
She falls asleep in his bed, and Gordo cares for her.
Aleida sens her boyfriend Davey packing.
Ed can't stop thinking about what might have gone wrong with the Russian and how he might have contributed to the current situation.
Gordo and Tracy get into an argument over the house keys. He doesn't know why she still has them or his last name. Then he reveals he's going back to the moon. She laughs.
They're going to be on the moon at the same time, and that's why he called. Because he didn't want her to hear about it on TV. She doesn't want to play the Astro Wife. She's angry.
Tracy lays into Ed about how he makes decisions and her concern over being Astro Wife again. She calls Gordo a washed up has been for ten years, and it won't kill him if he has to wait for two more months. But Ed will be happy to change her flight.
Kelly finds a stash of Shane's toys hidden in a vent just before Karen enters the room. Karen's talking about how much Ed gave up, especially considering how they lost Shane, and she worries that Kelly will give up so much.
Karen also says how much Kelly changed their lives and brought life back to an otherwise dead home. And that's when she decides to support her daughter.
Surprisingly, it's Ed who really draws the line. He says no and puts his foot down. Karen and Kelly plead with him, and a whole family argument erupts with Ed threatening to pull Kelly's application. She then threatens to join the Navy outright. After Karen beats Ed, Kelly sayd that whatever that was, they're not doing it anymore.
Ed cannot explain the reaction. Of course, he's proud of her. But he got a sudden, overwhelming feeling like he was going to lose her. Ed finally grieves for his son.
Ed and Karen comfort each other knowing that it was an accident and neither of their faults that Shane died.
Gordo goes to sleeps, afraid of what might on the moon, thinking his VCR blinking light might be an alien. He falls asleep laughing at himself.