Pete and a Cactus - Mad Men Season 7 Episode 14

Pete is holding a cactus in the series finale of Mad Men.

UnCouple Number One - Mad Men

Pete and Peggy share a child and history, but no present.

The Mad Men

Pete Campbell, Don Draper and Roger Sterling. The Mad Men.

Pete's Consideration

What is Pete considering on this episode of Mad Men? "The Better Half" is the eighth episode of the show's sixth season.

Roger, Don and Pete

Roger, Don and Pete stand around here in a scene from Mad Men Season 6.

Pete Campbell Photograph

Who doesn't love Pete Campbell? He plays a key role on the Mad Men episode "Lady Lazarus."

The Mad Men in Charge

Don Draper, Roger Sterling, Lane Pryce and Bertram Cooper - the men in charge of the film - stand strong together in this Mad Men photo.

Mad Men Season 5 Premiere Pic

Welcome back, Mad Men. We've missed you! This is a photo from the fifth season opener.

The Partners

Don meets with the partners in this scene from Mad Men. It's courtesy of the fourth season finale.

Pete in PJs

Pete has been shoved into the background of season four a bit. But we see him more in the episode "Hands and Knees."

Pete Campbell at Work

On "The Rejected," Pete is faced with a personal dilemma. He remains one of the most intriguing characters on Mad Men.

Mad Men Meeting

Pete, Don and Roger take a meeting in this image from the fourth season of Mad Men. They have new clients to recruit.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
