Desperate Measures

Robin is willing to resort to desperate measures to get her groom ready for the wedding ceremony on How I Met Your Mother.

How Much Did Barney Drink?

Just how much did Barney drink the night before his wedding? "Rally" is the 18th episode of the show's ninth and final season.

Hours to Go

With the wedding ceremony just hours away, things look desperate when Robin can't wake Barney. "Rally" is the 18th episode of the show's ninth and final season.

Rousing Barney

Will Lily and Robin be able to rouse Barney before it's time to walk down the aisle on How I Met Your Mother?

Drowning Barney

No, Robin's not drowning Barney but she might like to considering how hungover he is on the morning of their wedding on How I Met Your Mother.

How I Met Your Mother Beach Scene

Ted has finally moved on from Robin. They are on the beach this How I Met Your Mother scene.

Talking Over the Past

Ted and Robin talk over past relationships on the day of her wedding on How I Met Your Mother. "Sunrise" is the 17th episode of the show's ninth and final season.

A Drunken Barney

Robin gets a drunken Barney to spill his secrets on How I Met Your Mother. "Unpause" is the 15th episode of the show's ninth season.

Planning His Slap

Marshall plans his next slap against Barney on How I Met Your Mother. "Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment" is the 14th episode of the show's ninth season.


Ted and the others sit around their booth telling stories.

Platonish Scene

Robin and Ted share a history. And it came out a bit on the How I Met Your Mother episode "Platonish."

The Friendship Question

The friends look back at how Ted, Robin, and Barney navigated their complicated history on How I Met Your Mother. "Platonish" is the ninth episode of the show's ninth seaosn.