The very sentimental Marshall (after just watching The Notebook) calls Robin a slut when she sleeps with someone for a reason other than love. What? The Naked Man isn't reason enough?

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How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother Season 4 Episode 9: "The Naked Man"
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How I Met Your Mother Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

He may not fit society's definition of a hero, but he is the hero I needed. The hero who helped me recover from the disaster of my failed almost-marriage and get back into the game. He lives in the shadows. Is he a dream? Truth? Fiction? Damnation? Salvation? He is all these things and none of them. He is...The Naked Man


All these years I've been suiting-up when I should've been suiting-down

Barney [referring to the naked man's success]