Milhouse gets a girlfriend, Samantha Stankey (Kimmy Robertson) cause Bart to get jealous.

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The Simpsons
The Simpsons Season 3 Episode 23: "Bart's Friend Falls in Love"
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The Simpsons Season 3 Episode 23 Quotes

Mr. Stanky: Samantha, you're my little girl, and sometimes my imagination runs away with me. Just, just tell me what happened.
Samantha: Well Milhouse and I
Mr. Stanky: That's enough!

Lisa: Dad, do you know what today is?
Homer: The vernal equinox?
Lisa: No! It's been two weeks since you got that tape. Let's get you on the scale!
(Homer gets on the scale)
You've gained thirteen pounds.
Homer: Disingenuous mountebanks with their subliminal chicanery! A pox on them!
(discards tape)