Chloe, Armed

Put the gun down, Chloe. She confronts Jack on the series finale of 24.

Jack Goes to Work

This is an image from the series finale of 24. In it, Jack works furiously to expose the Russian conspiracy.

Series Finale Scene

Jack gets ready for yet another shootout on 24. This scene is courtesy of the series finale.

Logan and Taylor

Logan and Taylor make for a dangerous team. She should have thought better than to align herself with this evil dude.

Set to Torture

You might wanna go elsewhere, Meredith. Jack is about to get his major torture on.

Jack with a Gun

Don't make a move, Cole! Jack is angry and full of revenge, and he has a gun!

In Cold Blood

Jack Bauer didn't just hold Dana Walsh at gunpoint. He shot this traitor and this murderer twice in the chest.

Silly Jack

Jack thinks he's doing what's right on season eight of 24. TV Fanatic thinks a peace treaty is more important than bringing a few Russians to justice.

Loose in NYC

Jack is loose in New York City as season eight of 24 inches toward a conclusion. CTU is trying to track him down.

Chloe Photo

Chloe has a lot on her plate as the new head of CTU. It doesn't exactly help that she has to track down her most trusted ally, Chloe.

On the Lam

There's pretty one thing that's guaranteed to take place every season on 24: Jack will go on the lam.

President Charles Logan

President Charles Logan is a fascinating character. We're happy to see him back on 24.