Bittersweet Farewell - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Danny and Alex say goodbye at the Cebu airport after the veteran con man is forced to leave the island.

Part of the Plan - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Ernesto plays a key role in helping Alex's Uncle Danny get out from under a hitman's contract.

Lesson Learned - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Kai learns that even a minor assignment can lead to bigger results if you pay attention.

Ready to Fight - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Alex squares off to battle hitman Arthur Peake, who was assigned to assassinate Alex's Uncle Danny.

Con Man Supreme - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Alex's Uncle Daddy arrives on Cebu claiming to be changed but actually setting up another score.

Bright Light - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Alex is a bright light as he joins his Uncle Danny and two potential marks on the golf course.

In a Tough Place - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Alex suspects that his visiting Uncle Danny is the grifter passing counterfeit bills at resorts.

Visiting Assassin - Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7

Hitman Arthur Peake arrives in Cebu pursuing a target who is close to Alex.

Con-Artist Uncle - Almost Paradise

Alex's con-artist uncle comes to visit on Almost Paradise. "Uncle Danny" is the seventh episode of the show's first season.

Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Kai: If you had a different partner, you'd probably get real assignments.
Ernesto: They're all real assignments, Kai.

Danny: I know this sounds crazy but I joined Gamblers Anonymous.
Alex: I guess they didn't have Con Artists Anonymous, huh?