The Romance Is Back - Arrow Season 6 Episode 3

Oliver and Felicity fans, it's happening. The romance is back!

Stop In The Name Of The Diggle - Arrow Season 6 Episode 3

Those drivers are going to want to step out of the truck nice and easy. You do not mess with the Spar- we mean, Green Arrow.

Do Not Mess With This Bromance - Arrow Season 6 Episode 3

When Oliver eventually does take back the Green Arrow mantle, there is one big question they need to answer. Will the suit still fit the original Emerald Archer?

Meet New Team Arrow Season 6 Episode 3

Oliver Queen has passed the baton as the Green Arrow to John Diggle! Will the former Spartan be up for the task?

Onxy Breaks In - Arrow

Onyx breaks into Kord Industries and steals something lethal on Arrow. "Next of Kin" is the third episode of the show's sixth season.

Arrow Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen. After five years of hell, I returned home with only one goal: to save my city. But I couldn't honor that commitment and honor the promise I made to the mother of my son. So I asked the best man that I know to help. His name is John Diggle and he is the Green Arrow!

Oliver: Agent Watson, I do not believe you were on my schedule.
Agent Watson: I think you'll come to find, I don't really give a damn.