Evil DC TV Trinity - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

While it is still a mystery why Barry isn't the Dark Flash on Earth-X, how deliciously evil does this trinity look?

You Probably Should Not Make Her Angry - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

We are just going to take a wild guess here and assume that Overgirl isn't someone you want to make angry.

A Super Enemy - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Do you think Dark Flash and Overgirl are Super-Friends on Earth-X? Or perhaps Super-Crime-Partners?

Behold The Overgirl - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Once again, we are passed the point of Spoiler Alert. Meet Kara Zor-El of Earth-X where she is known as Overgirl.

Look What We Have Here - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Too late for Spoiler Alert...Eobard Thawne (for some reason looking like Harrison Wells) is the Dark Flash on Earth-X. You read that right, not Reverse-Flash, but the Dark Flash.

Is A Dynamic Duo In The Works - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Could we be seeing a dynamic duo come to life after this crossover between Sara and Alex? Probably not at least regularly since they live on two separate Earths.

What Is Around His Neck - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

So Barry gets his wedding interrupted, but look at the good side. At least he gets a ring...but around his throat. What is that?

Guess Who Is Back In Green - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Say what?! Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow...again?! We did not see that coming...at all.

Dragon Tattoo - Arrow Season 6 Episode 6

Hey, look at that, he has a dragon tattoo! Do you think Ricardo would enjoy the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movie?

Are You Ready For The Dragon - Arrow Season 6 Episode 6

How much trouble will Ricardo Diaz cause for Team Arrow when he arrives in Star City? Tune in Thursday nights!

Behold The Dragon - Arrow Season 6 Episode 6

We are getting another big DC Comics villain this season! Meet Kirk Acevedo as DC's Ricardo Diaz a.k.a. Richard Dragon.

Wild Dog And Green Arrow Are At It Season 6 Episode 6

While Wild Dog's new costume is fantastic, is the color of his mask starting to fade?

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
